Referee Hub
Want to start football refereeing at Newcastle?
Whether you’re a new referee or already active, here’s a chance to get involved. The Referee Hub is active in Newcastle’s intramural football leagues and neighbouring local leagues.
The Referee Hub is a joint programme involving:
- Newcastle University Sports Centre
- Northumberland FA
- BUCS: British Universities and Colleges Sport
If you’d like to join the Referee Hub, contact
Tom Brearley, Intramural Sport Officer
Telephone: 0191 208 8548
Email: [email protected]
Referee Feedback Forms
Intramural Football
For the Officials
Please use the following survey to provide feedback regarding the Teams you officiate in the Intramural Football Leagues...
IM Officials - Team Feedback Form
For the Captains
please use the following survey to provide feedback on the Referees you have in our Intramural Football Leagues...