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Partner With Us

At Newcastle University, we pride ourselves in conducting world-class multidisciplinary pharmacy research.

As a company, business, research group or clinical team looking for expert insight, guidance or input in the areas of clinical pharmacy or pharmaceutical sciences, you will find the School of Pharmacy at Newcastle University to be the ideal research partner in your ambitions. 

Often global challenges in pharmacy and medicines use and development can be addressed using expertise derived at the local level. The School of Pharmacy is a collaborative research environment offering experience and expertise across the spectrum of clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences to address these problems. 

Our research benefits from developed relationships with: 

  • pharmacy professionals across primary, secondary and tertiary care
  • professional pharmacy networks
  • patients and the NHS
  • students of pharmacy and allied health professions, both at Newcastle and further afield
  • research institutes, both nationally and internationally
  • commercial partners in the pharmaceutical sector
  • policymakers and government organisations

These research partnerships can take many forms and structures to deliver solutions as part of a collaborative research project, as research consultancy, or as part of a commercial contract research agreement

To discuss opportunities and options, contact Dr Karen Morgan.

Email: [email protected] 

Call: +44 (0)191 208 5768 

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