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History Pin

We’re excited to introduce you to our History Pin collection ‘Memories of Newcastle University’ a fun and interactive way to dive into our amazing university's history and add your memories to the mix. 

What is History Pin? 

Think of History Pin as a giant digital scrapbook where you can pin your favourite photos, stories, and memories. It’s a global platform where communities come together to share their history, and now we’ve got our very own Memories of Newcastle University Collection. 


What is our collection all about? 

Our History Pin collection is all about celebrating your special moments at university. We want to showcase everything that makes our university special - milestones, quirky moments, everyday campus life, and more.  

We want your stories, photos, memories - anything that captures your time at Newcastle. Whether it’s a tale from your favourite campus hangout, your memories in halls of residence, or study sessions in some of our iconic buildings and maybe pictures of that one unforgettable event at the SU, it all belongs here. 

Get involved

Jumping in is super easy: 

  1. Explore the collection: Check out what’s already been shared by others. You can view our collection below, or on the History Pin website> 
  2. Pin your memory: Got a photo or story to share? Upload your memories to our collection. Find out more about how to contribute to a collection here>
Students Union society
Park View Student Village

Your memories are a vital part of Newcastle University’s story! By sharing, you’re helping us create a living, breathing digital history archive. Plus, it’s a great way to reconnect with your university days and see what others have shared. Let’s start pinning!