Staff Profile
Dr Stephen Tyrer
Associate Clinical Lecturer
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: +44(0)191 281 0886
- Address: 3,Brandling Park,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
Dr Stephen Tyrer is an Associate Clinical Lecturer for the Institute of Neuroscience at Newcastle University. His areas of expertise are psychiatry, chronic pain and neurorehabilitation.
Academic background
Previously Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry, Newcastle University and Visiting Professor McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Research Interests
Factors Associated with Dementia in Down's Syndrome.
Lithium Treatment
Psychiatric Issues in Chronic Pain
Chief Examiner 1997-2001.
Undergraduate Teaching
Nil a present.
Chief Examiner 1997-2001.
- Tyrer SP. The role of the psychiatrist in the pain clinic. In: Raudenská J; Javùrková A; Varrassi G, ed. Pain: Management, Issues and Controversies. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2017, pp.73-82.
- Tyrer SP. Psychiatric and psychosomatic aspects of chronic pain: Clinical implications, solutions. Psychiatric Times 2016, 33(10), -.
- Tyrer SP. Pain and Psychopharmacology. In: Stolerman, I and Price, LH, ed. Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2015, pp.1199-1203.
- Tyrer SP, Heyman B. Sampling in epidemiological research: issues hazards and pitfalls. BJ Psych Bulletin 2015.
- Tyrer S, Beckley J, Goel D, Dennis B, Martin B. Factors affecting the practice of seclusion in an acute mental health service in Southland, New Zealand. The Psychiatrist 2012, 36, 214-218.
- Margallo-Lana ML, Moore PB, Kay DWK, Perry RH, Reid BE, Berney TP, Tyrer SP. Fifteen-year follow-up of 92 hospitalized adults with Down's syndrome: Incidence of cognitive decline, its relationship to age and neuropathology. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2007, 51(6), 463-477.
- Hanney M, Prasher V, Williams N, Jones EL, Aarsland D, Corbett A, Lawrence D, Yu LM, Tyrer S, Francis PT, Johnson T, Bullock R, Ballard C, MEADOWS Trial Researchers. Memantine for dementia in adults older than 40 years with Down's syndrome (MEADOWS): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 2012, 379(9815), 528-536.
- Jones E, Ballard CG, Prasher VP, Arno M, Tyrer S, Moore B, Hanney ML. An Intron 7 Polymorphism in APP affects the age of onset of dementia in Down syndrome. International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2011, 2011, 929102.
- Tyrer SP, Wigham A, Cicchetti D, Margallo-Lana ML, Moore PB, Reid BE. Comparison of Short and Long Versions of the Prudhoe Cognitive Function Test and the K-BIT in Participants with Intellectual Impairment. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2010, 40(8), 1000-1005.
- Tyrer S. Psychosomatic pain. British Journal of Psychiatry 2006, 188, 91-93.
- Margallo-Lana ML, Tyrer SP, Moore PB. Neuropsychological Assessments of Dementia. In: Prasher VP, ed. Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disabilities. London: Springer, 2009.
- Tyrer S. Pain in Psychiatry. In: Puri, B. & Treasaden, I, ed. An evidence based text for the MRCPsych Examination. London: Hodder Arnold, 2009.
- Tyrer S. Psychiatric Diagnosis and Chronic Pain. In: Wilson, PR, Watson, PJ, Haythornthwaite, JA & Jensen, TS, ed. Clinical Pain Management (2nd Edition) Chronic Pain. London: Hodder Arnold, 2008, pp.614-622.
- McAllister-Williams RH, Tyrer SP. Antidepressants for the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders: The same mechanism of action?. In: Kasper, S., den Boer, J.A., Sitsen, J.M.A, ed. Handbook of Depression and Anxiety: A Biological Approach. New York, USA: Informa Healthcare, 2003, pp.443-456.
- Margallo-Lana ML, Ballard C, Morris C, Kay D, Tyrer S, Moore B. Cognitive decline in Down syndrome. Archives of Neurology 2003, 60(7), 1024; author reply 1024.
- Tyrer S, Lievesley A. Pain following traumatic brain injury: Assessment and management. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 2003, 13(1-2), 189-210.
- Tyrer SP, Margallo-Lana ML, Moore PD, Kay DW, Perry RH, Berney TP, Morris C. Factors associated with cognitive decline in Down syndrome. In: 11th World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID). 2000, Seattle, Washington, USA: John Wiley & Sons.
- Margallo-Lana M, Morris CM, Gibson AM, Tan AL, Kay DWK, Tyrer SP, Moore B, Ballard CG. Influence of the amyloid precursor protein locus on dementia in Down syndrome. Neurology 2004, 62(11), 1996-1998.
- Ferrier IN, Tyrer SP, Bell AJ. Lithium therapy. In: A. Lee, ed. Affective and Non-Psychotic Disorders (Recent topics from Advances in Psychiatric Treatment). London: The Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1999, pp.76-83.
- Aspray TJ, Francis RM, Tyrer SP, Quilliam SJ. Patients with learning disability in the community - Have special medical needs that should be planned for. British Medical Journal 1999, 318(7182), 476-477.
- Tyrer SP. Repetitive strain injury. Pain Reviews 1999, 6(2), 155-166.
- Morris CM, Massey HM, Benjamin R, Leake A, Broadbent C, Griffiths M, Lamb H, Brown A, Ince PG, Tyrer S, Thompson P, McKeith IG, Edwardson JA, Perry RH, Perry EK. Molecular biology of APO E alleles in Alzheimer's and non-Alzheimer's dementias. In: Meeting on New Trends in the Diagnosis and Therapy of Non-Alzheimer's Dementia. 1996, Vienna, Austria: Springer Wien.
- Raghavan R, Khinnu C, Brown AG, Day KA, Tyrer SP, Ince PG, Perry EK, Perry RH. Gender differences in the phenotypic expression of Alzheimer's disease in Down's syndrome (Trisomy 21). NeuroReport 1994, 5(11), 1393-1396.
- Kay DWK, Tyrer SP, Margallo-Lana ML, Moore PB, Fletcher R, Berney TP, Vithayathil E. Preliminary evaluation of a scale to assess cognitive function in adults with Down's syndrome: The Prudhoe Cognitive Function Test. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2003, 47(3), 155-168.
- Raghavan R, Khinnu C, Brown A, Irving D, Ince PG, Day K, Tyrer SP, Perry RH. Detection of Lewy bodies in Trisomy 21 (Downs syndrome). Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 1993, 20(1), 48-51.