Staff Profile
Professor Ruth Valentine
Pro Vice Chancellor, Education
- Address: Newcastle University
King's Gate
Newcastle upon Tyne
Ruth Valentine is Pro Vice Chancellor Education at Newcastle University. In this role she is leading the strategic development of an inclusive education for life strategy for the University. Previously she has lead education in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, as Dean of Education (2019-2023). Prior to this she had Faculty roles of Associate Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Deputy Undergraduate Dean.
Ruth is a Professor of Educational Engagement and is passionate about widening participation in higher education and has worked tirelessly to raise awareness of the imbalance in student demographics often seen in the Medical Sciences. She’s created innovative sessions for school children and teachers, raised awareness at Executive Board level and developed overall strategy. She continues to champion this agenda at University level.
An advocate of interprofessional education (IPE), Ruth has empowered colleagues and students to co-create a Faculty IPE strategy. To increase reach in this area, Ruth works with colleagues nationally on a research project to deliver inter-disciplinary Schwartz Rounds for clinical healthcare students.
Ruth was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship from AdvanceHE in 2023 for her work in the areas of widening access to University. She is a Senior Fellow of AdvanceHE and a Registered Nutritionist.
I am Pro Vice Chancellor Education. Prior to this I was Dean of Education, Faculty of Medical Sciences.
Undergraduate Teaching
I continue to teach on several programmes within the Faculty of Medical Sciences.
I teach Nutrition and Diet to BDS and ODHS students
I contribute to Food and Nutrition and Dietetics programmes
Stage 2 NUT2001 Macro and micro nutrients
Stage 3 NUT3001 Nutrition in Health and Disease
Research Interests
I received my first Degree in Food and Human Nutrition from the University of Newcastle in 1999 and a PhD in Molecular Biology in 2002. I believe the combination of these two disciplines represents a powerful approach through which to increase understanding of the relationship between diet and health. I have research interests in nutrient gene interactions with a particular focus on zinc and fluoride. As my roles have changed at the University, my interests have diversified into education research. I am currently working with students to develop educational tools to provide better dietary advice on dental clinics.
Research Funding
- Wahono NA, Wakeling LA, Dirks W, Banks DA, Shepherd TJ, Ford D, Valentine RA. Use of zinc deposited in deciduous teeth as a retrospective measurement of dietary zinc exposure during early development. Frontiers in Oral Health 2023, 4, 1119086.
- Ahmed H, Paterson I, Aziz SA, Cremona O, Robinson M, Carrozzo M, Valentine RA. Expression of Epsin3 and its interaction with Notch signalling in oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 2023, 52(8), 710-717.
- Fernandes MS, Sabino-Arias IT, Dionizio A, Fabricio MF, Trevizol JS, Martini T, Azevedo LB, Valentine RA, Maguire A, Zohoori FV, Amaral SL, Buzalaf MAR. Effect of physical exercise and genetic background on glucose homeostasis and liver/muscle proteomes in mice. Metabolites 2022, 12(2), 117.
- Idowu OS, Duckworth RM, Valentine RA, Zohoori FV. Biomarkers for the Assessment of Exposure to Fluoride in Adults. Caries Research 2021, 55(4), 292-300.
- Ibiyemi O, Maguire A, Zohoori FV, Kometa S, Valentine RA. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in COL1A2 gene and dental fluorosis among 4- and 8-year old Nigerian children. Journal of Dentistry 2020, 2(2), 2-6. In Press.
- Idowu SA, Duckworth RM, Valentine RA, Zohoori FV. Biomarkers for the assessment of exposure to fluoride in children. Caries Research 2020, 54(2), 134-143.
- Idowu OS, Azevedo LB, Valentine RA, Swan J, Vasantavada PV, Maguire A, Zohoori FV. The use of urinary fluoride excretion to facilitate monitoring fluoride intake: A systematic scoping review. PLoS One 2019, 14(9), e0222260.
- Wahono NA, Ford D, Wakeling LA, Valentine RA. The presence and response to Zn of ZnT family mRNAs in human dental pulp. Metallomics 2019, 11(3), 613-620.
- Valentine RA, Wakeling LA, Ferrie LJ, Schartner A, Guilding C, Peterson J. Students on Student Induction – A Cross-Disciplinary Action Research Project. ARELCS 2019, 16(2), 1-29.
- Zohoori FV, Omid N, Sanderson RA, Valentine RA, Maguire A. Fluoride retention in infants living in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas: Effects of weaning. British Journal of Nutrition 2019, 121(1), 74-81.
- Bateman H, Smith M, Melvin C, Holmes RD, Valentine RA. A pilot study to assess feasibility of lay representation in Dental School Admissions Interviews. Journal of Dental Education 2019, 83(6), 706-713.
- Ibiyemi O, Zohoori FV, Valentine RA, Kometa S, Maguire A. Prevalence and extent of enamel defects in the permanent teeth of 8-year-old Nigerian children. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2018, 46(1), 54-62.
- Ibiyemi O, Zohoori FV, Valentine RA, Maguire A. Fluoride intake and urinary fluoride excretion in 4- and 8-year-old children living in urban and rural areas of Southwest Nigeria. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2018, 46(5), 482-491.
- Amaral S, Azevedo LB, Buzalaf MAR, Fabricio MF, Fernandes MS, Valentine RA, Maguire A, Zohoori FV. Effect of chronic exercise on fluoride metabolism in fluorosis-susceptible mice exposed to high fluoride. Scientific Reports 2018, 8, 3211.
- Patel S, Omid N, Zohoori FV, Maguire A, Waldron KJ, Valentine RA. Comparison of total ionic strength adjustment buffers III and IV in the measurement of fluoride concentration of teas. Nutrition and Health 2018, 24(2), 111-119.
- Al-Musawi M, Durham J, Whitworth JM, Stone SJ, Nixdorf DR, Valentine RA. Effect of topical neuromodulatory medications on oral and skin keratinocytes. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 2017, 46(2), 134-141.
- McAndrew R, Ellis J, Valentine RA. Does a selection interview predict year 1 performance in Dental School?. European Journal of Dental Education 2017, 21(2), 108-112.
- Preshaw PM, Henne K, Taylor JJ, Valentine RA, Conrads G. Age-related changes in immune function (immune senescence) in caries and periodontal diseases: a systematic review. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2017, 44, S153-S177.
- Hardyman J, Tyson J, Jackson K, Aldridge C, Cockell S, Wakeling L, Valentine RA, Ford D. Zinc sensing by metal-responsive transcription factor 1 (MTF1) controls metallothionein and ZnT1 expression to buffer the sensitivity of the transcriptome response to zinc. Metallomics 2016, 8(3), 337-343.
- Gallager N, Mall D, Cotterill S, Valentine R. Facilitating engagement and interaction in teamwork: an online tool. MedEdPublish 2016, 2(5), 11-14.
- Ogo OA, Tyson J, Cockell SJ, Howard A, Valentine RA, Ford D. The zinc finger protein ZNF658 regulates the transcription of genes involved in zinc homeostasis and affects ribosome biogenesis through the zinc transcriptional regulatory element (ZTRE). Molecular and Cell Biology 2015, 35(6), 977-987.
- Mathers JC, Hill TR, Foster E, Adamson AJ, Valentine R, Rugg-Gunn AJ. Twenty years of research in the Human Nutrition Research Centre, Newcastle University, 1994-2014. Nutrition Bulletin 2014, 39(3), 266-275.
- Lal H, Zohoori FV, Omid N, Valentine R, Maguire A. The fluoride contents of commercially-available soya milks in the UK. British Dental Journal 2014, 217(4), E8.
- Nunez CMC, Bosomworth HJ, Field C, Whitworth JM, Valentine RA. Biodentine and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Induce Similar Cellular Responses in a Fibroblast Cell Line. Journal of Endodontics 2014, 40(3), 406-411.
- Ions LJ, Wakeling LA, Bosomworth HJ, Hardyman JEJ, Escolme SM, Swan DC, Valentine RA, Mathers JC, Ford D. Effects of Sirt1 on DNA methylation and expression of genes affected by dietary restriction. Age 2013, 35(5), 1835-1849.
- Bosomworth HJ, Adlard PA, Ford D, Valentine RA. Altered Expression of ZnT10 in Alzheimer's Disease Brain. PLoS One 2013, 8(5), e65475.
- Coneyworth LJ, Jackson KA, Tyson J, Bosomworth HJ, vanderHagen E, Hann GM, Ogo OA, Swann DC, Mathers JC, Valentine RA, Ford D. Identification of the human zinc transcriptional regulatory element (ZTRE): a palindromic protein-binding DNA sequence responsible for zinc-induced transcriptional repression. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012, 287(43), 36567-36581.
- Bosomworth HJ, Thornton JK, Coneyworth LJ, Ford D, Valentine RA. Efflux function, tissue-specific expression and intracellular trafficking of the Zn transporter ZnT10 indicate roles in adult Zn homeostasis. Metallomics 2012, 4(8), 771-779.
- Thornton JK, Taylor KM, Ford D, Valentine RA. Differential Subcellular Localization of the Splice Variants of the Zinc Transporter ZnT5 Is Dictated by the Different C-Terminal Regions. PLoS One 2011, 6(8), e23878.
- Jackson KA, Valentine RA, Mckay JA, Swan DC, Mathers JC, Ford D. Analysis of differential gene-regulatory responses to zinc in human intestinal and placental cell lines. British Journal of Nutrition 2009, 101(10), 1474-1483.
- Davison G, Mathers JC, Ford D, Valentine RA. [Meeting Abstract] Effects of Dietary Zinc Supply During Pregnancy on Global DNA Methylation. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2009, 55(s1), 461.
- Jackson KA, Valentine RA, Coneyworth LJ, Mathers JC, Ford D. Mechanisms of mammalian zinc-regulated gene expression. Biochemical Society Transactions 2008, 36(6), 1262-1266.
- Valentine RA, Jackson KA, Christie GR, Mathers JC, Taylor PM, Ford D. ZnT5 variant B is a bidirectional zinc transporter and mediates zinc uptake in human intestinal Caco-2 cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2007, 282(19), 14389-14393.
- Cragg RA, Phillips SR, Piper JM, Varma JS, Campbell FC, Mathers JC, Ford D. Homeostatic regulation of zinc transporters in the human small intestine by dietary zinc supplementation. Gut 2005, 54(4), 469-478.
- Valentine RA, Ford D. Epithelial transport mechanisms involved in zinc nutrition. Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews Series A: Human and Experimental 2005, 75(6), 15N-24N.
- Cragg RA, Christie GR, Phillips SR, Russi RM, Kury S, Mathers JC, Taylor PM, Ford D. A novel zinc-regulated human zinc transporter, hZTL1, is localized to the enterocyte apical membrane. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2002, 277(25), 22789-22797.
- Moat SJ, Bonham JR, Cragg RA, Powers HJ. Elevated plasma homocysteine elicits an increase in antioxidant enzyme activity. Free Radical Research 2000, 32(2), 171-179.
Book Chapter
- Valentine RA. Chapter 11: Nutrigenomics and oral health. In: Monographs in Oral Science. S. Karger AG, 2020, pp.108-113.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Al-Musawi M, Sayeed Z, Colley H, Murdoch C, Whitworth J, Stone S, Nixdorf D, Durham J, Valentine R. In Vitro Effects of Topical Neuromodulatory Medication on Orofacial Tissue. In: IADR/PER General Session. 2018, London, England: IADR.
- Idowu O, Zohoori F, Duckworth R, Valentine R. Fingernails and Toenails Good Biomarkers of Chronic/Sub-chronic Fluoride Exposure. In: 96th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR. 2018, London, UK: Sage Journals.
- Idowu O, Zohoori F, Duckworth R, Valentine R. Hair: A biomarker of chronic/sub-chronic fluoride exposure. In: Caries Research/64th ORCA Congress. 2017, Oslo, Norway: Karger Publishers.
- Al-Musawi MJ, Durham J, Whitworth JM, Stone SJ, Valentine RA. In Vitro Effects of Topical Neuromodulatory Medication on Orofacial Tissue. In: IADR/AADR/CADR 93rd General Session and Exhibition 2015. 2015, Boston, MA, USA.
- Hardyman JEJ, Ogo OA, Tyson J, Wakeling LA, Valentine RA, Ford D. DNA methylation of the zinc transcriptional regulatory element and its potential contribution to zinc dyshomeostasis in ageing. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Jakubovics NS, Valentine RA. A new direction for manganese homeostasis in bacteria: identification of a novel efflux system in Streptococcus pneumoniae. Molecular Microbiology 2009, 72(1), 1-4.
- Dang TS, Walker M, Ford D, Valentine R. Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics; the role of nutrition in gene expression. Periodontology 2000 2013. In Press.