Staff Profile
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor of Applied Epidemiology
- Email: [email protected]
- Personal Website:
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Baddiley-Clark Building
Faculty of Medicine
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am Professor of Applied Epidemiology within the Population Health Sciences Institute and work within the Reproduction, Development and Child Health research theme. I am the Director of the Newcastle Thousand Families Study, a birth cohort established in 1947 and lead a programme of epidemiological research assessing risk factors for and causal pathways to adverse health and behavioural outcomes, and more generally I am able to adapt to most areas of epidemiology. I am open to collaborations in any epidemiological field and to approaches from potential MRes (Epidemiology) and PhD students.
Roles and Responsibilities
Programme lead of the MRes in Epidemiology
Module lead for MRes Clinical Epidemiology module
Chair of the MRes Examination and PEC Committees
Director, The Newcastle Thousand Families Study
BSc (Hons), 1993, University of Wales
MSc in Medical Statistics, 1994, University of Leicester
PhD Epidemiology, 2000, Newcastle University
Previous Positions
DELT for PHSI 2019-2021.
Reader, Newcastle University, 2011-2015
Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University, 2008-2011
Lecturer, Newcastle University, 2005-2008
Senior Research Associate, Newcastle University, 2003-2005
Research Associate, Newcastle University, 2002-2003
Post-doctoral Fellow, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, 2000-2001
Research Associate, Newcastle University, 1997-2000
Junior Research Associate, Newcastle University, 1995-1997
Research Assistant, Institute of Cancer Research (London), 1994-1995
Google Scholar: Click here.
Research Interests
My research is centred within the field of aetiological epidemiology with an ability to adapt to changing research needs or collaborative cover most aspects of epidemiology.
Research Roles
I am the Director of the Newcastle Thousand Families Study, a birth cohort established in 1947, a co-investigator on two other birth cohorts based at Newcastle University, the Gateshead Millennium Study and the Newcastle Pre-Term Birth Cohort, and a collaborator with the Australian Aboriginal Birth Cohort. The key theme within these studies is to identify aetiological risk factors for chronic diseases, in both childhood and adulthood. We quantify the relative importance of different risk factors, and the pathways between them, so as to identify areas that should of most interest for public health interventions and thus translation. As part of this, I am also investigating factors that influence health behaviours, such as physical activity, as it is likely that interventions will work differently in different groups of people.
I am also involved in a number of other externally funded research projects, including a wide range of collaborative studies with colleagues in Child Health.
Postgraduate Supervision
I am currently supervising a number of postgraduate students. Details of these and those post submission can be found under the teaching tab.
- Programme lead for MRes (Epidemiology)
- Module lead - Clinical epidemiology (also open to MClinRes and MSc Medical Sciences students)
- Lecturer on the Global Health module
- Dissertation supervisor, dissertation examiner, personal tutor
- Previously Chair of the examination and PEC committees
MSc in Public Health and Health Services Research
- Module lead for the Dissertation Module
- Co-lead of the Fundamentals of Health Research Module
- Lecturer on the Applied Epidemiology and Chronic Disease Epidemiology modules
- Dissertation supervisor, dissertation examiner
- Lecturer on the Research Study Design and Data Interpretation module
- Personal tutor, Annual appraisals, Assignment marker, Lecturer
BSc Biomedical Sciences, BSc Biology, BSc Food & Human Nutrition
- Dissertation supervisor and examiner
Current Postgraduate Students
- Lelanie Brewer - Early self-care development in 3-6 year old children with and without motor impairments: A longitudinal study
- Mohammed Esa - The inter-relation and prediction of structural morphology of the knee, ankle, hand and wrist joints on MRI, ultrasound, radiographs and DEXA: the Newcastle Thousand Families Study.
- Samuel Hadjo - Malaria in pregnancy: Prevalence and pregnancy outcomes in Papua, the highest plasmodium endemicity province in Indonesia.
- Tania Jones - Circulating microRNAs in musculoskeletal ageing: An epidemiological study of the Newcastle Thousand Families Birth Cohort
- Christo Tsifilis - Investigating Health Status and Quality of Life in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Hyper-Immunoglobulin E Syndrome.
- Helen Elliott - To what extent is breast density a problem in the UK and is molecular breast imaging the solution?
- Haifa Aldhamy - Knowledge, attitude and practice of infection prevention and control precautions among laboratory staff in Saudi Arabia.
- Colette Kirk - A longitudinal study of factors that impact on the quality of life intestinal failure patients treated with home parenteral nutrition.
- Celestine Effiong - Adherence to HIV medication in pregnant and breast-feeding women in Nigeria.
- Nia Cartwright - Intersectionality, between ethnicity and sexuality, and the impact on quality of life
Completed PhD Students
- Rakesh Ghosh - Interaction between environmental factors and gender on perinatal outcomes
- Simon Kerr - The prevalence of neurocardiovascular instability and its clinical associations in community-dwelling older people
- Jane Salotti - An epidemiological survey of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in children in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
- Basilio Gomez-Pozo -Spatial epidemiology of lung cancer mortality: Geographical heterogeneity and risk factors assessment
- Richard Morris - Knee joint kinematics associated with osteoarthritis in an older cohort
- Fiona Pearson - Diabetes and the risk of tuberculosis: how strong is the association and what is its public health impact?
- Abdulkareem Al-Quwaidhi - Modelling of diabetes prevalence in Saudi Arabia
- Matthew Thomas - The increasing incidence of childhood empyema thoracis: epidemiology and clinical aspects
- Ajay Abraham - Lifecourse influences on osteoarthritis of the knees, hips and hands as defined by musculoskeletal ultrasound
- Theresa Cole - A comparison of clinical outcome, quality of life, emotional well being and cognitive function in those with Chronic Granulomatous Disease managed conservatively and curatively.
- Claire McDonald - A prospective evaluation of the associations of neurocardiovascular instability in community dwelling older people.
- Alex Battersby - An investigation into the physical and psychological health of carriers of X-linked chronic granulomatous disease in the United Kingdom.
- Richard Harbron - Radiation doses and associated risks from cardiac catheterization in children and young adults.
- Intan Abd Hamid -The effect of genotype and chemotherapy conditioning on the long term immunological reconstitution and function, physical health, psychological development and quality of life in a cohort of infants transplanted for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency.
- Majid Althaqafy - Seroimmunity profile and associated knowledge and concerns of Hepatitis B, varicella and measles infections among employees in the Saudi National Guard, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - A mixed methids study.
- Kay Mann - The estimation of wholegrain food intake and influence on health: The National Diet and Nutrition Survey and the Newcastle Thousand Families Study.
- Inalegwu Oonu - Understanding the patterns of spread of HIV/AIDS in Bebue State and the middle belt of Nigeria - what factors have sustained the spread?
- Jo Wildman - Well-being, health and the transition to retirement: a mixed-methods study.
- Rhiannon O'Connor - What are the lifecourse and recent determinants of poor oral health in later life?
- Natassia Robinson - DNA Methylation as a potential mediator of early life exposures and subsequent obesity.
- Eleanor Mitchell - Investigating mortality rates in gram-negative bloodstream infection without sepsis cases at South Tees Hospital Trust.
- Ben Shillitoe - Clinical health outcomes and quality of life for XLA patients in England and Wales.
- Charlotte Currie - Investigating problem orientated patient pathways: Toothache to Treatment
- Paul Johnson - A case-control study of multiple sclerosis among Cypriots in the Republic of Cyprus.
PhD Examinations
- Newcastle University, Edinburgh University, Imperial (London), RMIT (Melbourne), University of Bristol, Swansea University, Oxford University, Leeds University, University of Melbourne, University of Barcelona, University of Tampere, University of Zurich.
External Examiner Appointments
- Swansea University BSc (Population Health Science)
- Aberdeen University MSc (Public Health)
- Cambridge University MPhil (Epidemiology)
- Iskakova B, Forster LN, Mann KD, Brown M, Slack EL, Rees A, Pearce MS. Differences Between Self-Reported and Objectively Measured Hearing Loss at Age 61–63 Years: The Newcastle Thousand Families Birth Cohort. American Journal of Audiology 2023, 32(2), 500-506.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Brocklehurst P, Thompson W, Durham J, Pearce M. Dental Antibiotics and Referrals in General Medical Practice: Wales 1974-2017. Journal of Dentistry 2023, 130, 104446.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Pearce MS, Landes D, Durham J. Urgent Dental Care Use in the North-East and Cumbria: Predicting Repeat Attendance. British Dental Journal 2022, 232, 164-171.
- Kenny RPW, Millar EB, Adesanya A, Richmond C, Beyer F, Calderon C, Rankin J, Toledano M, Feychting M, Pearce MS, Craig D, Pearson F. The effects of radiofrequency exposure on male fertility and adverse reproductive outcomes: A protocol for two systematic reviews of human observational studies with meta-analysis. Environment International 2022, 158, 106968.
- Kirk C, Haigh L, Thompson NP, Pearce M, Jones DE, Mathers JC. The effects of different parenteral nutrition lipid formulations on clinical and laboratory endpoints in patients receiving home parenteral nutrition: A systematic review. Clinical Nutrition 2022, 41(1), 80-90.
- Kirk C, Pearce MS, Mathers JC, Thompson NP, Gemmell L, Jones DE. Quality of life and home parenteral nutrition: a survey of UK healthcare professionals' knowledge, practice and opinions. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2023, 36(3), 687-696.
- Currie CC, Palmer J, Stone SJ, Brocklehurst P, Aggarwal VR, Dorman PJ, Pearce MS, Durham J. Persistent Orofacial Pain Attendances at General Medical Practitioners. Journal of Dental Research 2023, 102(2), 164-169.
- Wood CL, Tinnion R, Hollingsworth KG, Trenell MI, Pearce MS, Cheetham TD, Embleton ND. Muscle Function, Body Composition, Insulin Sensitivity and Physical Activity in Adolescents Born Preterm: Impact of Gestation and Vitamin D Status. Nutrients 2022, 14(23), 5045.
- O'Neil H, Todd A, Pearce M, Husband A. Investigating the relationship between harm and over or under-treatment of frail patients living with diabetes, admitted to hospital. . Practical Diabetes 2022, 39(3), 23-26a.
- Hogg HDJ, Chung N, Reed J, Berrett G, Pearce M, Di Simplicio S. An observational clinical study of the influence of phacoemulsification on choroidal neovascular membrane activity in age related macular degeneration. Eye 2022, 36, 1379-1383.
- Robinson N, McKay JA, Pearce MS, Albani V, Wright CM, Adamson AJ, Brown H. The biological and social determinants of childhood obesity: comparison of two cohorts 50 years apart. Journal of Pediatrics 2021, 228, 138-146.e5.
- Hogg HDJ, Talks SJ, Pearce M, Di Simplicio S. Real-World Visual and Neovascularisation Outcomes from anti-VEGF in Central Retinal Vein Occlusion. Ophthalmic Epidemiology 2021, 28(1), 70-76.
- Hogg HDJ, Di Simplicio S, Pearce MS. Ranibizumab and aflibercept intravitreal injection for treatment naïve and refractory macular oedema in branch retinal vein occlusion. European Journal of Ophthalmology 2021, 31(2), 548-555.
- Farooq A, Basterfield L, Adamson AJ, Pearce MS, Hughes AR, Janssen X, Wilson MG, Reilly J. Moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity and sedentary behaviour across childhood and adolescence, and their combined relationship with obesity risk: a multi-trajectory analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18(14), 7421.
- Akhter N, Fairbairn R, Pearce M, Warren J, Kasim A, Bambra C. Local inequalities in health behaviours: longitudinal findings from the Stockton-on-Tees cohort study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18(21), 11018.
- Farooq A, Basterfield L, Adamson AJ, Pearce MS, Hughes AR, Janssen X, Wilson MG, Reilly JJ. Failure to launch: Predictors of unfavourable physical activity and sedentary behaviour trajectories from childhood to adolescence: the Gateshead Millennium Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18(24), 13283.
- Embleton ND, Wood CL, Pearce MS, Brunskill G, Grahame V. Early diet in preterm infants and later cognition: 10-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Pediatric Research 2021, 89, 1442-1446.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Brocklehurst P, Slade G, Durham J, Pearce MS. Dental Attendances to General Medical Practitioners in Wales: a 44 Year Analysis. Journal of Dental Research 2022, 101(4), 407-413.
- Robinson N, Brown H, Antoun E, Godfrey KM, Hanson MA, Lilycrop KA, Crozier SR, Murray R, Pearce MS, Relton CL, Albani V, McKay JA. Childhood DNA methylation as a marker of early life rapid weight gain and subsequent overweight. Clinical Epigenetics 2021, 13, 8.
- Albani V, Vale LD, Pearce M, Ostroumova E, Liutsko L. Aspects of economic costs and evaluation of health surveillance systems after a radiation accident with a focus on an ultrasound thyroid screening programme for children. Environment International 2021, 156, 106571.
- Harbron RW, Thierry-Chef I, Pearce MS, Bernier M-O, Dreuil S, Rage E, Andreassi MG, Picano E, Dreger S, Zeeb H, Olerud H, Thevathas U, Kjaerheim K, Dohlen G, Jahnen A, Hermen J, Chumak V, Bakhanova E, Voloskyi V, Borrego D, Lee C, Dabin J. The HARMONIC project: study design for the assessment of radiation doses and associated cancer risks following cardiac fluoroscopy in childhood. Journal of Radiological Protection 2020, 40(4), 1074.
- Hind K, Hayes L, Basterfield L, Pearce MS, Birrell F. Objectively-measured sedentary time, habitual physical activity and bone strength in adults aged 62 years: the Newcastle Thousand Families Study. Journal of Public Health 2020, 42(2), 325-332.
- Dave M, Rankin J, Pearce MS, Foster H. Global prevalence estimates of three chronic musculoskeletal conditions: clubfoot, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus. Pediatric Rheumatology 2020, 18, 49.
- Colver A, Rapley T, Parr JR, McConachie H, Dovey-Pearce G, Le Couteur AS, McDonagh JE, Bennett C, Maniatopoulos G, Pearce MS, Reape D, Chater N, Gleeson H, Vale L. Facilitating transition of young people with long term health conditions from children’s to adults’ health services – implications of a 5-year research programme. Clinical Medicine 2020, 20(1), 74-80.
- Perros P, Mason D, Pearce M, Pearce SHS, Chandler R, Mallick UK. Differentiated thyroid cancer mortality by disease stage in northern England. Clinical Endocrinology 2020, 93(1), 61-66.
- Pennington L, Dave M, Rudd J, Hidecker MJC, Caynes K, Pearce MS. Communication disorders in young children with cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 2020, 62(10), 1161-1169.
- Pearson F, Huangfu P, McNally R, Pearce M, Unwin N, Critchley J. Tuberculosis and diabetes: bidirectional association in a large primary care dataset in the UK. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2019, 73(2), 142-147.
- Dovales ACM, Harbron RW, de Souza AA, da Rosa LAR, Berrington de González A, Pearce MS, Veiga LHS. Patterns and trends in outpatient diagnostic imaging studies of the Brazilian public healthcare system, 2002-2014. Health Policy and Technology 2019, 8(3), 254-260.
- Rudman HA, Birrell F, Pearce MS, Tuck SP, Francis RM, Treadgold L, Hind K. Obesity, bone density relative to body weight and prevalent vertebral fracture at age 62 years: the Newcastle thousand families study. Osteoporosis International 2019, 30, 829-836.
- Janssen X, Basterfield L, Parkinson KN, Pearce MS, Reilly JK, Adamson A, Reilly JJ. Non-linear longitudinal associations between moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and adiposity across the adiposity distribution during childhood and adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Study. International Journal of Obesity 2019, 43, 744-750.
- Beltran-Valls MR, Janssen X, Farooq A, Adamson AJ, Pearce MS, Reilly JK, Basterfield L, Reilly J. Longitudinal changes in vigorous intensity physical activity from childhood to adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2019, 22(4), 450-455.
- Harbron RW, Ainsbury EA, Barnard SGR, Lee C, McHugh K, Berrington de González A, Edyvean S, Pearce MS. Lens dose from CT scans of the head in young people. Clinical Radiology 2019, 74(10), 816.e9-816.e17.
- Battersby AC, Braggins H, Pearce MS, McKendrick F, Campbell M, Burns S, Cale CM, Goldblatt D, Gennery AR. Health-Related Quality of Life and Emotional Health in X-Linked Carriers of Chronic Granulomatous Disease in the United Kingdom. Journal of Clinical Immunology 2019, 39, 195-199.
- Colver A, Rapley T, Parr JR, McConachie H, Dovey-Pearce G, Le Couteur A, McDonagh JE, Bennett C, Hislop J, Maniatopoulos G, Mann KD, Merrick H, Pearce MS, Reape D, Vale L. Facilitating the transition of young people with long-term conditions through health services from childhood to adulthood: the Transition research programme. Programme Grants for Applied Research 2019, 7(4).
- Moffatt S, Wildman J, Pollard TM, Penn L, O'Brien N, Pearce MS, Wildman JM. Evaluating the impact of a community-based social prescribing intervention on people with type 2 diabetes in North East England: mixed-methods study protocol. BMJ Open 2019, 9(1).
- Bernier MO, Baysson H, Pearce MS, Moissonnier M, Cardis E, Hauptmann M, Struelens L, Dabin J, Johansen C, Journy N, Laurier D, Blettner M, Le Cornet L, Pokora R, Gradowska P, Meulepas JM, Kjaerheim K, Isatd T, Olerud H, Sovik A, Berrington de Gonzalez A, Harbron RW, Kesminiene A. Cohort Profile: The EPI-CT study: a European pooled epidemiological study to quantify the risk ofradiation-induced cancer from paediatric CT-scans. International Journal of Epidemiology 2019, 48(2), 379-381.
- Mann KD, Basterfield L, Wright C, Parkinson K, Reilly JK, Reilly JJ, Adamson AJ, Pearce MS. Birth weight and adolescent blood pressure measured at age 12 years in the Gateshead Millennium Study. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 2019, 10(6), 621-626.
- Slatter MA, Rao K, Abd Hamid IJ, Nademi Z, Chiesa R, Elfeky R, Pearce MS, Amrolia P, Worth A, Flood T, Abinun M, Hambleton S, Qasim W, Gaspar HB, Cant AJ, Gennery AR, Veys P. Treosulfan and Fludarabine Conditioning for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children with Primary Immunodeficiency: UK Experience. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2018, 24(3), 529-536.
- Dave M, Dovales ACM, Veiga LHS, Peixoto JE, Pearce MS. Trends in mammography use in the Brazilian public healthcare system. Journal of Cancer Policy 2018, 16, 43-48.
- Farooq MA, Parkinson KN, Adamson AJ, Pearce MS, Reilly JK, Hughes AR, Janssen X, Basterfield L, Reilly JJ. Timing of the decline in physical activity in childhood and adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Cohort Study. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2018, 52(15), 1002-1006.
- Harbron RW, Ainsbury EA, Bouffler SD, Tanner RJ, Pearce MS, Eakins JS. The impact of iodinated contrast media on intravascular and extravascular absorbed doses in X-ray imaging: A microdosimetric analysis. Physica Medica 2018, 46, 140-147.
- Harbron RW, Chapple CL, O'Sullivan JJ, Lee C, McHugh K, Higueras M, Pearce MS. Suggestion of reduced cancer risks following cardiac x-ray exposures is unconvincing. European Journal of Epidemiology 2018, 33(4), 427–428.
- Campbell MR, Mann KD, Moffatt S, Dave M, Pearce MS. Social determinants of emotional well-being in new refugees in the UK. Public Health 2018, 164, 72-81.
- Wildman JM, Moffatt S, Pearce M. Quality of life at the retirement transition: Life course pathways in an early ‘baby boom’ birth cohort. Social Science and Medicine 2018, 207, 11-18.
- Lee C, Berrington de Gonzalez A, Journy N, Harbron R, McHugh K, Pearce M. Organ dose estimation accounting for uncertainty for pediatric and young adult CT scans in the United Kingdom. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2018, 184(1), 44-53.
- Abd Hamid IJ, Slatter MA, McKendrick F, Pearce MS, Gennery AR. Long-Term Health Outcome and Quality of Life Post-HSCT for IL7Rα-, Artemis-, RAG1- and RAG2-Deficient Severe Combined Immunodeficiency: a Single Center Report. Journal of Clinical Immunology 2018, 38(6), 727-732.
- Wrieden W, Mann K, Reilly JJ, Basterfield L, Reilly J, Janssen X, Pearce M, Jones AR, Adamson AJ. Longitudinal study of fruit and vegetable intake from childhood to adolescence in a population-based birth cohort: the Gateshead Millennium Study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2018. Submitted.
- Little MP, Wakeford R, Borrego D, French B, Zablotska L, Adams JM, Allodji R, deVathaire F, Lee C, Brenner AV, Miller JS, Campbell D, Pearce MS, Doody MM, Holmberg E, Lundell M, Sadetzki S, Linet MS, BerringtondeGonzalez A. Leukaemia and myeloid malignancy among people exposed to low doses (<100 mSv) of ionising radiation during childhood: a pooled analysis of nine historical cohort studies. The Lancet Haematology 2018, 5(8), e346-e358.
- Jones AR, Tovée MJ, Cutler LR, Parkinson KN, Ells LJ, Araujo-Soares V, Pearce MS, Mann KD, Scott D, Harris JM, Adamson AJ. Development of the MapMe intervention body image scales of known weight status for 4-5 and 10-11 year old children. Journal of Public Health 2018, 40(3), 582-590.
- Harbron RW, Chapple CL, O'Sullivan JJ, Lee C, McHugh K, Higueras M, Pearce MS. Cancer incidence among children and young adults who have undergone x-ray guided cardiac catheterization procedures. European Journal of Epidemiology 2018, 33(4), 393-401.
- Tanaka C, Xanne J, Pearce M, Parkinson K, Basterfield L, Adamson A, Reilly JJ. Bidirectional Associations Between Adiposity, Sedentary Behavior, and Physical Activity: A Longitudinal Study in Children. Journal of Physical Activity & Health 2018, 15(12), 918-926.
- Colver A, McConachie H, Le Couteur A, Dovey-Pearce G, Mann KD, McDonagh JE, Pearce MS, Vale L, Merrick H, Parr J. A longitudinal, observational study of the features of transitional healthcare associated with better outcomes for young people with long-term conditions. BMC Medicine 2018, 16, 111.
- Gray S, Cheetham T, McConachie H, Mann KD, Parr JR, Pearce MS, Colver A. A longitudinal, observational study examining the relationships of patient satisfaction with services and mental wellbeing to their clinical course in young people with Type 1 diabetes mellitus during transition from child to adult health services. Diabetic Medicine 2018, 35(9), 1216-1222.
- Murdoch SE, Cox T, Pearce MS, Pryde N, Maclennan SJ. "Throughout the cancer patient's journey, there ought to be a discussion about work": The role of GPs in Scotland. Psycho-Oncology 2018, 27(1), 343-346.
- Hind K, Pearce M, Birrell F. Total and Visceral Adiposity Are Associated With Prevalent Vertebral Fracture in Women but Not Men at Age 62 Years: The Newcastle Thousand Families Study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2017, 32(5), 1109-1115.
- Harbron RW, Chapple CL, O'Sullivan JJ, Best KE, Berrington-de-González A, Pearce MS. Survival adjusted cancer risks attributable to radiation exposure from cardiac catheterisations in children. Heart 2017, 103, 341-346.
- Hayes L, Shaw S, Pearce MS, Forsyth RJ. Requirements for and current provision of rehabilitation services for children after severe acquired brain injury in the UK: a population-based study. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2017, 102(9), 813-820.
- Mann KD, Pearce MS, Seal CJ. Providing evidence to support the development of whole grain dietary recommendations in the United Kingdom. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2017, 76(3), 369-377.
- Mohan D, Stephan BCM, Allotey P, Jagger C, Pearce M, Siervo M, Reidpath DD. Protocol of a feasibility study for cognitive assessment of an ageing cohort within the Southeast Asia Community Observatory (SEACO), Malaysia. BMJ Open 2017, 7(1), e013635.
- Journy NMY, McHugh K, Harbron RW, Pearce MS, Berrington de González A. Projected cancer risks potentially related to past, current and future practices in paediatric CT in the UK, 1990-2020. British Journal of Cancer 2017, 116(1), 109-116.
- Berrington de Gonzalez A, Journy N, Lee C, Morton LM, Harbron R, Stewart DR, Parker L, Craft AW, McHugh K, Little M, Pearce M. No association between radiation dose from pediatric CT scans and risk of subsequent Hodgkin lymphoma. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 2017, 26(5), 804-806.
- Mann KD, Howe LD, Basterfield L, Parkinson KP, Pearce MS, Reilly JK, Adamson AJ, Reilly J, Janssen X. Longitudinal study of the associations between change in sedentary behavior and change in adiposity during childhood and adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Study. International Journal of Obesity 2017, 41, 1042-1047.
- Battersby AC, Braggins H, Pearce MS, Cale CM, Burns SO, Hackett S, Hughes S, Barge D, Goldblatt D, Gennery AR. Inflammatory and autoimmune manifestations in X-linked carriers of chronic granulomatous disease in the United Kingdom. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2017, 140(2), 628-630.e6.
- McNally RJ, James PW, Blakey K, Basta NO, Norman PD, Pearce MS. Can changes in population mixing and socio-economic deprivation in Cumbria, England explain changes in cancer incidence around Sellafield?. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 2017, 21, 25-36.
- McDonald C, Pearce MS, Kerr SRJ, Newton JL. Blood pressure variability and cognitive decline in older people: a 5-year longitudinal study. Journal of Hypertension 2017, 35(1), 140-147.
- McDonald C, Pearce M, Kerr SJR, Newton JL. A prospective study of the association between orthostatic hypotension and falls: Definition matters. Age and Ageing 2017, 46(3), 439-445.
- de Basea MB, Salotti JA, Pearce MS, Muchart J, Riera L, Barber I, Pedraza S, Pardina M, Capdevila A, Espinosa A, Cardis E. Trends and patterns in the use of computed tomography in children and young adults in Catalonia - results from the EPI-CT study. Pediatric Radiology 2016, 46(1), 119-129.
- Brown MC, Pearce MS, Bailey S, Skinner R. The long-term psychosocial impact of cancer: the views of young adult survivors of childhood cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care 2016, 25(3), 428-439.
- de Gonzalez AB, Salotti JA, McHugh K, Little MP, Harbron RW, Lee C, Ntowe E, Braganza MZ, Parker L, Rajaraman P, Stiller C, Stewart DR, Craft AW, Pearce MS. Relationship between paediatric CT scans and subsequent risk of leukaemia and brain tumours: assessment of the impact of underlying conditions. British Journal of Cancer 2016, 114(4), 388-394.
- Lee C, Pearce MS, Salotti JA, Harbron RW, Little MP, Mchugh K, Chapple CL, De Gonzalez AB. Reduction in radiation doses from paediatric CT scans in Great Britain. British Journal of Radiology 2016, 89(1060), 20150305.
- Dovales ACM, da Rosa LAR, Kesminiene A, Pearce MS, Veiga LHS. Patterns and trends of computed tomography usage in outpatients of the Brazilian public healthcare system, 2001-2011. Journal of Radiological Protection 2016, 36(3), 547-560.
- Almoosawi S, Jones A, Parkinson K, Pearce M, Collins H, Adamson A. Parental perception of weight status: Influence on children's diet in the Gateshead Millennium Study. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(2), e0144931.
- McDonald C, Pearce MS, Newton JL, Kerr SR. Modified criteria for carotid sinus hypersensitivity are associated with increased mortality in a population-based study. Europace 2016, 18(7), 1101-1107.
- Journy NM, McHugh K, Harbron RW, Pearce MS, De Gonzalez AB. Medical conditions associated with the use of CT in children and young adults, Great Britain, 1995-2008. British Journal of Radiology 2016, 89(1068), 20160532.
- Sheppard P, Pearce MS, Sear R. How Does Childhood Socioeconomic Hardship Affect Reproductive Strategy? Pathways of Development. American Journal of Human Biology 2016, 28(3), 356-363.
- Janssen X, Mann KD, Basterfield L, Parkinson KN, Pearce MS, Reilly JK, Adamson AJ, Reilly JJ. Development of sedentary behaviour across childhood and adolescence: longitudinal analysis of the Gateshead Millennium Study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2016, 13(88).
- Embleton ND, Korada M, Wood CL, Pearce MS, Swamy R, Cheetham TD. Catch-up growth and metabolic outcomes in adolescents born preterm. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2016, 101(11), 1026-1031.
- Basterfield L, Gardner L, Reilly JK, Pearce MS, Parkinson KN, Adamson AJ, Reilly JJ, Vella SA. Can’t play, won’t play: longitudinal changes in perceived barriers to participation in sports clubs across the child-adolescent transition. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 2016, 2(1), e000079.
- Franco-Villoria M, Wright CM, McColl JH, Sherriff A, Pearce MS, Gateshead Millennium Core Study Team. Assessment of adult body composition using bioelectrical impedance: comparison of researcher calculated to machine outputted values. BMJ Open 2016, 6(1), e008922.
- Fisher A, Andreasson A, Chrysos A, Lally J, Mamasoula C, Exley C, Wilkinson J, Qian J, Watson G, Lewington O, Chadwick T, McColl E, Pearce M, Mann K, McMeekin N, Vale L, Tsui S, Yonan N, Simon A, Marczin N, Mascaro J, Dark J. An observational study of Donor Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion in UK Lung Transplantation : DEVELOP-UK. Health Technology Assessment 2016, 20(85).
- McDonald C, Pearce MS, Wincenciak J, Kerr SRJ, Newton JL. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Variability Increases Over a 10-Year Follow-Up in Community-Dwelling Older People. American Journal of Hypertension 2016, 29(5).
- McNally RJ, Wakeford R, James PW, Basta NO, Alston RD, Pearce MS, Elliott AT. A geographical study of thyroid cancer incidence in north-west England following the Windscale nuclear reactor fire of 1957. Journal of Radiological Protection 2016, 36(4), 934-952.
- Mann KD, Pearce MS, McKevith B, Thielecke F, Seal CJ. Whole grain intake and its association with intakes of other foods, nutrients and markers of health in the National Diet and Nutrition Survey rolling programme 2008–11. British Journal of Nutrition 2015, 113(10), 1595-1602.
- Pearson F, Mann KD, Rees A, Davis A, Pearce MS. The Effect of Childhood Infection on Hearing Function at Age 61 to 63 Years in the Newcastle Thousand Families Study. Ear and Hearing 2015, 36(2), 185-190.
- McNally RJ, Basta NO, Errington S, James PW, Norman PD, Hale JP, Pearce MS. Socioeconomic patterning in the incidence and survival of teenage and young adult men aged between 15 and 24 years diagnosed with non–seminoma testicular cancer in northern England. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 2015, 33(12), 506.e9-506.e14.
- Harbron R, Pearce MS, Salotti JA, McHugh K, McLaren C, Abernethy L, Reed S, O'Sullivan J, Chapple C-L. Radiation doses from fluoroscopically guided cardiac catheterization procedures in children and young adults in the United Kingdom: A multi-centre study. The British Journal of Radiology 2015.
- Mann KD, Pearce MS, Sayers SM, Singh GR. Pathways between birthweight and later body size in predicting blood pressure: Australian Aboriginal Cohort Study 1987-2007. Journal of Hypertension 2015, 33(5), 933-939.
- Janssen X, Basterfield L, Parkinson KN, Pearce MS, Reilly JK, Adamson AJ, Reilly JJ, Gateshead Millennium Study Core Team. Objective measurement of sedentary behavior: impact of non-wear time rules on changes in sedentary time. BMC Public Health 2015, 15, 504.
- Mann KD, Pearce MS, McKevith B, Thielecke F, Seal CJ. Low whole grain intake in the UK: results from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey rolling programme 2008–11. British Journal of Nutrition 2015, 113(10), 1643-1651.
- Basterfield L, Reilly JK, Pearce MS, Parkinson KN, Adamson AJ, Reilly JJ, Vella SA. Longitudinal associations between sports participation, body composition and physical activity from childhood to adolescence. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2015, 18(2), 178-182.
- Wood CL, Warnell F, Johnson M, Hames A, Pearce MS, McConachie H, Parr JR. Evidence for ASD Recurrence Rates and Reproductive Stoppage From Large UK ASD Research Family Databases. Autism Research 2015, 8(1), 73-81.
- Bosch de Basea M, Pearce M, Kesminiene A, Bernier M, Dabin J, Engels H, Hauptmann M, Krille L, Meulepas J, Struelens L, Baatout S, Kaijser M, Maccia C, Jahnen A, Thierry-Chef I, Blettner M, Johansen C, Kjaerheim K, Nordenskjöld A, Olerud H, Salotti J, Andersen T, Vrijheid M, Cardis E. EPI-CT: Design, challenges and epidemiological methods of an international study on cancer risk after paediatric and young adult CT. Journal of Radiological Protection 2015, 35(3), 611-628.
- Janssen A, Basterfield L, Parkinson KN, Pearce M, Reilly JK, Adamson AJ, Reilly JJ. Determinants of changes in sedentary time and breaks in sedentary time among 9 and 12 year old children. Prevention Medicine Reports 2015, 2, 880-885.
- Merrick H, McConachie H, LeCouteur A, Mann K, Parr JR, Pearce MS, Colver A. Characteristics of young people with long term conditions close to transfer to adult health services. BMC Health Services Research 2015, 15, 435.
- van Otterdijk SD, Norden J, Dickinson AM, Pearce MS, Relton CL, Mathers JC, Strathdee G. Aberrations in DNA methylation are detectable during remission of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and predict patient outcome. Epigenomics 2015, 7(1), 35-45.
- Parkinson KN, Jones AR, Tovée MJ, Ells LJ, Pearce MS, Araujo-Soares V, Adamson A. A cluster randomised trial testing an intervention to improve parents' recognition of their child's weight status: study protocol. BMC Public Health 2015, 15, 549.
- Bunch KJ, Vincent TJ, Black RJ, Pearce MS, McNally RJ, McKinney PA, Parker L, Craft AW, Murphy MF. Updated investigations of cancer excesses in individuals born or resident in the vicinity of Sellafield and Dounreay. British Journal of Cancer 2014, 111(9), 1814–1823.
- Al-Quwaidhi AJ, Pearce MS, Critchley JA, Sobngwi E, O'Flaherty M. Trends and future projections of the prevalence of adult obesity in Saudi Arabia, 1992-2022. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2014, 20(10), 589-595.
- Blain AP, Thomas MF, Shirley MDF, Simmister C, Elemraid MA, Gorton R, Pearce MS, Clark JE, Rushton SP, Spencer DA. Spatial variation in the risk of hospitalization with childhood pneumonia and empyema in the North of England. Epidemiology and Infection 2014, 142(2), 388-398.
- Harbron RW, Feltbower RG, Glaser A, Lilley J, Pearce MS. Secondary malignant neoplasms following radiotherapy for primary cancer in children and young adults. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2014, 31(3), 259-267.
- Pearce MS, Mann KD, Singh G, Davison B, Sayers SM. Prevalence and validity of self-reported smoking in Indigenous and non-Indigenous young adults in the Australian Northern Territory. BMC Public Health 2014, 14, 861.
- Abraham AM, Pearce MS, Mann KD, Francis RM, Birrell F. Population prevalence of ultrasound features of osteoarthritis in the hand, knee and hip at age 63 years: the Newcastle thousand families birth cohort. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2014, 15, 162.
- Basterfield L, Jones AR, Parkinson KN, Reilly J, Pearce MS, Reilly JJ, Adamson AJ, Gateshead Millennium Study Core Team. Physical activity, diet and BMI in children aged 6–8 years: a cross-sectional analysis. BMJ Open 2014, 4(6), e005001.
- Pearce MS, Hancox RJ, Parker L, Gibson GJ. Lung function and plasma fibrinogen concentrations in the Newcastle Thousand Families birth cohort between age 49 and 51 years. Respirology 2014, 19(1), 53-57.
- Sobngwi E, Kengne AP, Echouffo-Tcheugui JB, Choukem S, Sobngwi-Tambekou J, Balti EV, Pearce MS, Siaha V, Mamdjokam AS, Effoe V, Lontchi-Yimagou E, Donfack OT, Atogho-Tiedeu B, Boudou P, Gautier JF, Mbanya JC. Fasting insulin sensitivity indices are not better than routine clinical variables at predicting insulin sensitivity among Black Africans: a clamp study in sub-Saharan Africans. BMC Endocrine Disorders 2014, 14, 65.
- Al-Quwaidhi AJ, Pearce MS, Sobngwi E, Critchley JA, O'Flaherty M. Comparison of type 2 diabetes prevalence estimates in Saudi Arabia from a validated Markov model against the International Diabetes Federation and other modelling studies. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2014, 103(3), 496-503.
- Pearce MS, Mann KD, Singh G, Sayers SM. Birth weight and cognitive function in early adulthood: the Australian aboriginal birth cohort study. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 2014, 5(3), 240-247.
- Wetton AR, Radley R, Jones AR, Pearce MS. What Are the Barriers Which Discourage 15-16 Year-Old Girls from Participating in Team Sports and How Can We Overcome Them?. BioMed Research International 2013, 738705.
- Colver AF, Merrick H, Deverill M, Lecouteur A, Parr J, Pearce MS, Rapley T, Vale L, Watson R, McConachie H, on behalf of the Transition Collaborative Group. Study protocol: longitudinal study of the transition of young people with complex health needs from child to adult health services. BMC Public Health 2013, 13(1), 675.
- Njoku K, Basta N, Mann KD, McNally RJ, Pearce MS. Socioeconomic variation in survival from childhood leukaemia in northern England, 1968–2010. British Journal of Cancer 2013, 108(11), 2339-2345.
- Al-Quwaidhi AJ, Pearce MS, Critchley JA, O'Flaherty M. Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus: A complex association. Saudi Journal of Obesity 2013, 1(2), 49-56.
- Glinianaia SV, Ghosh R, Rankin J, Pearce MS, Parker L, Pless-Mulloli T. No improvement in socioeconomic inequalities in birthweight and preterm birth over four decades: a population-based cohort study. BMC Public Health 2013, 13, 345.
- Bell R, Tennant PWG, McParlin C, Pearce MS, Adamson AJ, Rankin J, Robson SC. Measuring physical activity in pregnancy: a comparison of accelerometry and self completion questionnaires in overweight and obese women. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2013, 170(1), 90-95.
- Roberts BA, Batty GD, Gale CR, Deary IJ, Parker L, Pearce MS. IQ in childhood and atherosclerosis in middle-age: 40 Year follow-up of the Newcastle Thousand Families Cohort Study. Atherosclerosis 2013, 231(2), 234-237.
- Cole T, McKendrick F, Titman P, Cant AJ, Pearce MS, Cale CM, Goldblatt D, Gennery AR. Health Related Quality of Life and Emotional Health in Children with Chronic Granulomatous Disease: A Comparison of Those Managed Conservatively with Those That Have Undergone Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant. Journal of Clinical Immunology 2013, 33(1), 8-13.
- Wood CL, Tinnion RJ, Korada SM, Cheetham TD, Relton CL, Cooke RJ, Pearce MS, Hollingsworth KG, Trenell MI, Embleton ND. Growth and metabolic outcome in adolescents born preterm (GROWMORE): follow-up protocol for the Newcastle preterm birth growth study (PTBGS). BMC Pediatrics 2013, 13, 213.
- Harrison SL, Mann KD, Pearce MS. Early Life Influences Kidney Function at Age 63–64 Years, but So Does Adult Body Size: Results from the Newcastle Thousand Families Birth Cohort. PLoS ONE 2013, 8(6), e66660.
- Mann KD, Hayes L, Basterfield L, Parker L, Pearce MS. Differing lifecourse associations with sport-, occupational- and household-based physical activity at age 49-51 years: the Newcastle Thousand Families Study. International Journal of Public Health 2013, 58(1), 79-88.
- Pearce MS, Campbell DI, Mann KD, Parker L, Thomas JE. Deprivation, timing of preschool infections and H. pylori seropositivity at age 49-51 years: the Newcastle thousand families birth cohort. BMC Infectious Diseases 2013, 13, 422.
- Pearce MS, James PW, Franco-Villoria M, Parkinson KN, Jones AR, Basterfield L, Drewett RF, Wright CM, Adamson AJ. Creation of an Adiposity Index for Children Aged 6–8 Years: The Gateshead Millennium Study. BioMed Research International 2013, 2013, 431825.
- Cole TS, McKendrick F, Cant AJ, Pearce MS, Cale CM, Goldblatt DR, Gennery AR, Titman P. Cognitive Ability in Children with Chronic Granulomatous Disease: A Comparison of Those Managed Conservatively with Those Who Have Undergone Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant. Neuropediatrics 2013, 44(4), 230-232.
- Cole T, Pearce MS, Cant AJ, Cale CM, Goldblatt D, Gennery AR. Clinical outcome in children with chronic granulomatous disease managed conservatively or with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2013, 132(5), 1150-1155.
- Tennant PWG, Parker L, Thomas JE, Craft AW, Pearce MS. Childhood infectious disease and premature death from cancer: a prospective cohort study. European Journal of Epidemiology 2013, 28(3), 257-265.
- Pearson F, Mann KD, Nedellec R, Rees A, Pearce MS. Childhood infections, but not early life growth, influence hearing in the Newcastle thousand families birth cohort at age 14 years. BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders 2013, 13, 9.
- Brown MC, Best KE, Pearce MS, Waugh J, Robson SC, Bell R. Cardiovascular disease risk in women with pre-eclampsia: systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Epidemiology 2013, 28(1), 1-19.
- Sayers SM, Mott SA, Mann KD, Pearce MS, Singh GR. Birthweight and fasting glucose and insulin levels: results from the Aboriginal Birth Cohort Study. Medical Journal of Australia 2013, 199(2), 112-116.
- Wright CM, Cox KM, Sherriff A, Franco-Villoria M, Pearce MS, Adamson AJ, Gateshead Millennium Study Core Team. To what extent do weight gain and eating avidity during infancy predict later adiposity?. Public Health Nutrition 2012, 15(4), 656-662.
- Pearce MS, Salotti JA, McHugh K, Kim KP, Craft AW, Lubin J, Ron E, Parker L. Socio-economic variation in CT scanning in Northern England, 1990-2002. BMC Health Services Research 2012, 12(1), 24.
- Bhopal SS, Mann KD, Pearce MS. Registration of cancer in girls remains lower than expected in countries with low/middle incomes and low female education rates. British Journal of Cancer 2012, 107(1), 183-188.
- Pearce MS, Salotti JA, Little MP, McHugh K, Lee C, Kim KP, Howe NL, Ronckers CM, Rajaraman P, Craft AW, Parker L, de Gonzalez AB. Radiation exposure from CT scans in childhood and subsequent risk of leukaemia and brain tumours: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet 2012, 380(9840), 499-505.
- Rankin J, Tennant PWG, Bythell M, Pearce MS. Predictors of survival in children born with Down syndrome: a registry based study. Pediatrics 2012, 129(6), e1373-e1381.
- Groom A, Potter C, Swan DC, Fatemifar G, Evans DM, Ring SM, Turcot V, Pearce MS, Embleton ND, Smith GD, Mathers JC, Relton CL. Postnatal Growth and DNA Methylation Are Associated With Differential Gene Expression of the TACSTD2 Gene and Childhood Fat Mass. Diabetes 2012, 61(2), 391-400.
- Basterfield L, Pearce MS, Adamson AJ, Frary JK, Parkinson KN, Wright CM, Reilly JJ, Gateshead Millennium Study Core Team. Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Adiposity in English Children. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2012, 42(5), 445-451.
- Pearce MS, Glinianaia SV, Ghosh R, Rankin J, Rushton S, Charlton M, Parker L, Pless-Mulloli T. Particulate matter exposure during pregnancy is associated with birth weight, but not gestational age, 1962-1992; a cohort study. Environmental Health 2012, 11(1), 13.
- Cole TS, Johnstone IC, Pearce MS, Fulton B, Cant AJ, Gennery AR, Slatter MA. Outcome of children requiring intensive care following haematopoietic SCT for primary immunodeficiency and other non-malignant disorders. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2012, 47(1), 40-45.
- Pearce MS, Tennant PWG, Mann KD, Pollard TM, McLean L, Kaye B, Parker L. Lifecourse predictors of mammographic density: The Newcastle Thousand Families cohort Study. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2012, 131(1), 187-195.
- Pearce MS, Ahmed A, Tennant PWG, Parker L, Unwin NC. Lifecourse predictors of adult fibrinogen levels: the Newcastle Thousand Families Study. International Journal of Cardiology 2012, 155(2), 206–211.
- Turner N, Driver D, Salotti J, Pearce MS, Cheetham T. Increasing use of radioiodine in young people with thyrotoxicosis in Great Britain. European Journal of Endocrinology 2012, 167(5), 715-718.
- Pearce MS, McConnell JC, Potter C, Barrett LM, Parker L, Mathers JC, Relton CL. Global LINE-1 DNA methylation is associated with blood glycaemic and lipid profiles. International Journal of Epidemiology 2012, 41(1), 210-217.
- Basterfield L, Pearce MS, Adamson AJ, Reilly JK, Parkinson KN, Reilly JJ, Gateshead Millennium Study Core Team. Effect of choice of outcome measure on studies of the etiology of obesity in children. Annals of Epidemiology 2012, 22(12), 888-891.
- Pearce MS, Basterfield L, Mann KD, Parkinson KN, Adamson AJ, Reilly JJ, Gateshead Millennium Study. Early Predictors of Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in 8-10 Year Old Children: The Gateshead Millennium Study. PLoS One 2012, 7(6), e37975.
- Relton CL, Groom A, StPourcain B, Sayers AE, Swan DC, Embleton ND, Pearce MS, Ring SM, Northstone K, Tobias JH, Trakalo J, Ness AR, Shaheen SO, Davey-Smith G. DNA methylation patterns in cord blood DNA and body size in childhood. PLoS One 2012, 7(3), e31821.
- Kim KP, Berrington-Gonzalez A, Pearce M, Salotti J, Parker L, McHugh K, Craft A, Lee C. Development of a database of organ doses for pediatric and young adult CT scans in the United Kingdom. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2012, 150(4), 415-426.
- Pearce MS, Salotti JA, Howe NL, McHugh K, Kim KP, Lee C, Craft AW, de Gonzalez AB, Parker L. CT Scans in Young People in Great Britain: Temporal and Descriptive Patterns, 1993–2002. Radiology Research and Practice 2012, 594278.
- Pearce MS, Mann KD, Martin-Ruiz C, Parker L, White M, von Zglinicki T, Adams J. Childhood Growth, IQ and Education as Predictors of White Blood Cell Telomere Length at Age 49-51 Years: The Newcastle Thousand Families Study. PLoS One 2012, 7(7), e40116.
- Turcot V, Groom A, McConnell JC, Pearce MS, Potter C, Embleton ND, Swan DC, Relton CL. Bioinformatic selection of putative epigenetically regulated loci associated with obesity using gene expression data. Gene 2012, 499(1), 99-107.
- Parkinson KN, Drewett RF, Jones AR, Wright CM, Dale A, Pearce NS, Adamson AJ, Gateshead Millennium Study Core Team. When do mothers think their child is overweight?. International Journal of Obesity 2011, 35(4), 510-516.
- Mann KD, Tennant PWG, Parker L, Unwin NC, Pearce MS. The relatively small contribution of birth weight to blood pressure at age 49-51 years in the Newcastle Thousand Families Study. Journal of Hypertension 2011, 29(6), 1077-1084.
- Forrest LF, Hodgson S, Parker L, Pearce MS. The influence of childhood IQ and education on social mobility in the Newcastle Thousand Families birth cohort. BMC Public Health 2011, 11(1), 895.
- Basterfield L, Adamson AJ, Pearce MS, Reilly JJ, GMS team. Stability of habitual physical activity and sedentary behaviour monitoring by accelerometry in 6-8 year olds. Journal of Physical Activity & Health 2011, 8(4), 543-547.
- Pearce MS, McNally RJQ, Day J, Korada SM, Turner S, Cheetham TD. Space-time clustering of elevated thyroid stimulating hormone levels. European Journal of Epidemiology 2011, 26(5), 405-411.
- Abraham AM, Goff I, Pearce MS, Francis RM, Birrell F. Reliability and validity of ultrasound imaging of features of knee osteoarthritis in the community. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011, 12(1), 70.
- Jones AR, Parkinson KN, Drewett RF, Hyland RM, Pearce MS, Adamson AJ, and the Gateshead Millennium Study core team. Parental perceptions of weight status in children: the Gateshead Millennium Study. International Journal of Obesity 2011, 35(7), 953-962.
- van der Kop ML, Pearce MS, Dahlgren L, Synnes A, Sadovnick D, Sayao AL, Tremlett H. Neonatal and delivery outcomes in women with multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology 2011, 70(1), 41-50.
- Hricak H, Brenner DJ, Adelstein SJ, Frush DP, Hall EJ, Howell RW, McCollough CH, Mettler FA, Pearce MS, Suleiman OH, Thrall JH, Wagner LK. Managing Radiation Use in Medical Imaging : A Multifaceted Challenge. Radiology 2011, 258(3), 889-905.
- Basterfield L, Adamson AJ, Frary JK, Parkinson KN, Pearce MS, Reilly JJ. Longitudinal Study of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Children. Pediatrics 2011, 127(1), e24-e30.
- Pearce MS, Salotti JA, McHugh K, Metcalf W, Kim KP, Craft AW, Parker L, Ron E. CT scans in young people in Northern England: trends and patterns 1993-2002. Pediatric Radiology 2011, 41(7), 832-838.
- Parkinson KN, Pearce M, Dale A, Reilly JJ, Drewett RF, Wright CM, Relton CL, McArdle P, Le Couteur AS, Adamson AJ. Cohort Profile: The Gateshead Millennium Study. International Journal of Epidemiology 2011, 40(2), 308-317.
- Glinianaia SV, Pearce MS, Rankin J, Pless-Mulloli T, Parker L, McNally RJ. Birth weight by gestational age and risk of childhood acute leukemia: a population-based study 1961–2002. Leukemia and Lymphoma 2011, 52(4), 709-712.
- Pearce MS, Groom A, Relton CL, Peaston RT, Pollard TM, Francis RM. Birth weight and early socio-economic disadvantage as predictors of sex hormones and sex hormone binding globulin in men at age 49–51 years. American Journal of Human Biology 2011, 23(2), 185-189.
- Eyre R, Feltbower RG, James PW, Blakey K, Mubwandarikwa E, Forman D, McKinney PA, Pearce MS, McNally RJQ. The epidemiology of bone cancer in 0-39 year olds in northern England, 1981-2002. BMC Cancer 2010, 10(1), 357.
- Glinianaia SV, Rankin J, Pearce MS, Parker L, Pless-Mulloli T. Stillbirth and infant mortality in singletons by cause of death, birthweight, gestational age and birthweight-for-gestation, Newcastle upon Tyne 1961-2000. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2010, 24(4), 331-342.
- McParlin C, Robson SC, Tennant P, Besson H, Rankin J, Adamson A, Pearce MS, Bell R. Objectively measured physical activity during pregnancy: a study in obese and overweight women. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth 2010, 10(1), 76.
- Pearce MS, Glinianaia SV, Rankin J, Rushton S, Charlton M, Parker L, Pless-Mulloli T. No association between ambient particulate matter exposure during pregnancy and stillbirth risk in the north of England, 1962-1992. Environmental Research 2010, 110(1), 118-122.
- Pearce MS, Tennant PWG, Pollard T, Mclean L, Kaye B, Parker L. Lifecourse predictors of adult parenchymal breast tissue density: Results from the Newcastle Thousand Families Study [abstract]. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 2010, 64(s1), A17.
- Hayes L, Pearce MS, Firbank MJ, Walker M, Taylor R, Unwin NC. Do obese but metabolically normal women differ in intra-abdominal fat and physical activity levels from those with the expected metabolic abnormalities? A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2010, 10(1), 723.
- Korada SM, Pearce M, Platt MPW, Avis E, Turner S, Wastell H, Cheetham T. Difficulties in selecting an appropriate neonatal thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) screening threshold. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2010, 95(3), 169-173.
- Tennant PWG, Gibson GJ, Parker L, Pearce MS. Childhood respiratory illness and lung function at ages 14 and 50 years: childhood respiratory illness and lung function. Chest 2010, 137(1), 146-155.
- Tennant PW, Gibson GJ, Parker L, Pearce MS. Childhood respiratory illness and lung function at ages 14 and 50 years. Chest 2010, 137(1), 146-155.
- Pearce MS, Relton CL, Groom A, Peaston RT, Francis RM. A lifecourse study of bone resorption in men ages 49-51 years: The Newcastle Thousand Families cohort study. Bone 2010, 46(4), 952-956.
- Tennant PWG, Pearce MS, Bythell M, Rankin J. 20-year survival of children born with congenital anomalies: a population-based study. Lancet 2010, 375(9715), 649-656.
- Korada SM, Pearce MS, Avis E, Turner S, Cheetham TD. TSH Levels in Relation to Gestation, Birth Weight and Sex. Hormone Research 2009, 72(2), 120-123.
- Feltbower RG, Eyre R, James PW, Blakey K, Mubwandarikwa E, Forman D, McKinney PA, Pearce MS, McNally RJ. The epidemiology of bone cancer diagnosed in 0-49-year-olds in northern England, 1981-2002. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2009, 63, 22.
- Pearce MS, Relton CL, Parker L, Unwin NC. Sex differences in the association between infant feeding and blood cholesterol in later life: the Newcastle thousand families cohort study at age 49-51 years. European Journal of Epidemiology 2009, 24(7), 375-380.
- Hodgson S, Khaw F-M, Pearce MS, Pless-Mulloli T. Predicting black smoke levels from deposit gauge and SO2 data to estimate long term exposure in the United Kingdom, 1956-61. Atmospheric Environment 2009, 43(21), 3356-3363.
- Rankin JM, Chadwick TJ, Natarajan M, Howel DM, Pearce MS, Pless-Mulloli T. Maternal exposure to ambient air pollutants and risk of congenital anomalies. Environmental Research 2009, 109(2), 181-187.
- Pearce MS, Thomson WM, Walls AWG, Steele JG. Lifecourse Socio-economic Mobility and Oral Health in Middle Age. Journal of Dental Research 2009, 88(10), 938-941.
- Eyre R, Feltbower RG, Mubwandarikwa E, Jenkinson HC, Parkes S, Birch JM, Eden TOB, James PW, McKinney PA, Pearce MS, McNally RJQ. Incidence and survival of childhood bone cancer in northern England and the West Midlands, 1981-2002. British Journal of Cancer 2009, 100(1), 188-193.
- Salotti J, Nanduri V, Pearce MS, Parker L, Lynn RM, Windebank KP. Incidence and clinical features of Langerhans cell histiocytosis in the UK and Ireland. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2009, 94(5), 376-380.
- Pearce MS, Unwin NC, Parker L, Craft AW. Cohort Profile: The Newcastle Thousand Families 1947 Birth Cohort. International Journal of Epidemiology 2009, 38(4), 932-937.
- Hancox RJ, Poulton R, Greene JM, McLachlan CR, Pearce MS, Sears MR. Associations between birth weight, early childhood weight gain and adult lung function. Thorax 2009, 64(3), 228-232.
- Relton CL, Pearce MS, O'Sullivan JJ. The relationship between gestational age, systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure in children. Journal of Human Hypertension 2008, 22(5), 352-357.
- Pearce MS, Relton CL, Unwin NC, Adamson AJ, Smith GD. The relation between diarrhoeal episodes in infancy and both blood pressure and sodium intake in later life: The Newcastle Thousand Families Study. Journal of Human Hypertension 2008, 22(8), 582-584.
- Mujeeb SA, Pearce MS. Temporal trends in hepatitis B and C infection in family blood donors from interior Sindh, Pakistan. BMC Infectious Diseases 2008, 8.
- Glinianaia SV, Rankin JM, Pless-Mulloli T, Pearce MS, Charlton ME, Parker L. Temporal changes in key maternal and fetal factors affecting birth outcomes: A 32-year population-based study in an industrial city. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2008, 8, 39.
- Korada SM, Pearce MS, Ward Platt MP, Avis E, Turner S, Wastell HJ, Cheetham TD. Repeat testing for congenital hypothyroidism in preterm infants: unnecessary with an appropriate TSH threshold. Archives of Diseases in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition 2008, 93(4), F286-F288.
- Korada M, Pearce MS, Platt MPW, Avis E, Turner S, Wastell H, Cheetham T. Repeat testing for congenital hypothyroidism in preterm infants is unnecessary with an appropriate thyroid stimulating hormone threshold. ARCHIVES OF DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD-FETAL AND NEONATAL EDITION 2008, 93(4), F286-F288.
- Blell M, Pollard TM, Pearce MS. Predictors of age at menarche in the Newcastle thousand families study. Journal of Biosocial Science 2008, 40(4), 563-575.
- Starr JM, Shiels PG, Harris SE, Pattie A, Pearce MS, Relton CL, Deary IJ. Oxidative stress, telomere length and biomarkers of physical aging in a cohort aged 79 years from the 1932 Scottish Mental Survey. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2008, 129(12), 745-751.
- Fanshawe TR, Diggle PJ, Rushton SP, Sanderson RA, Lurz PWW, Glinianaia SV, Pearce MS, Parker L, Charlton M, Pless-Mulloli T. Modelling spatio-temporal variation in exposure to particulate matter: a two-stage approach. Environmetrics 2008, 19(6), 549-566.
- Pless-Mulloli T, Glinianaia SV, Rankin J, Pearce MS, Rushton S, Ghosh R, Lurz P, Sanderson R, Shirley M, Diggle P, Fanshawe T, Charlton M, Parker L. Maternal exposure to air pollution and perinatal outcomes: methodological approaches to exposure assessment and preliminary findings of the UK particulate matter and perinatal events research (PAMPER) study. European Epimarker 2008, 12(2), 1-12.
- Tennant PWG, Gibson GJ, Pearce MS. Lifecourse predictors of adult respiratory function: Results from the Newcastle Thousand Families Study. Thorax 2008, 63(9), 823-830.
- Nanguzgambo AB, Gwynne D, Pearce MS. Factors contributing to smoking cessation behaviour in North Wales, United Kingdom: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Smoking Cessation 2008, 3(1), 9-13.
- Owen CG, Whincup PH, Kaye SJ, Martin RM, Smith GD, Cook DG, Bergstrom E, Black S, Wadsworth MEJ, Fall CH, Freudenheim JL, Nie J, Huxley RR, Kolacek S, Leeson CP, Pearce MS, Raitakari OT, Lisinen I, Viikari JS, Ravelli AC, Rudnicka AR, Strachan DP, Williams SM. Does initial breastfeeding lead to lower blood cholesterol in adult life? A quantitative review of the evidence. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2008, 88(2), 305-314.
- Rankin JM, Silf K, Pearce MS, Parker L, Ward Platt MP. Congenital anomaly and childhood cancer: A population-based, record linkage study. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2008, 51(5), 608-612.
- Tiffin PA, Pearce MS, Caplan K, Fundudis T, Parker L. The impact of socioeconomic status and mobility on perceived family functioning. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 2007, 28(4), 653-667.
- Thierry-Chef I, Marshall M, Fix JJ, Bermann F, Gilbert ES, Hacker C, Heinmiller B, Murray W, Pearce MS, Utterback D, Bernar K, Deboodt P, Eklof M, Griciene B, Holan K, Hyvonen H, Kerekes A, Lee MC, Moser M, Pernicka F, Cardis E. The 15-country collaborative study of cancer risk among radiation workers in the nuclear industry: Study of errors in dosimetry. Radiation Research 2007, 167(4), 380-395.
- Cardis E, Vrijheid M, Blettner M, Gilbert E, Hakama M, Hill C, Howe G, Kaldor J, Muirhead CR, Schubauer-Berigan M, Yoshimura T, Bermann F, Cowper G, Fix J, Hacker C, Heinmiller B, Marshall M, Thierry-Chef I, Utterback D, Ahn YO, Amoros E, Ashmore P, Auvinen A, Bae JM, Bernar J, Biau A, Combalot E, Deboodt P, Sacristan AD, Eklof M, Engels H, Engholm G, Gulis G, Habib RR, Holan K, Hyvonen H, Kerekes A, Kurtinaitis J, Malker H, Martuzzi M, Mastauskas A, Monnet A, Moser M, Pearce MS, Richardson DB, Rodriguez-Artalejo F, Rogel A, Tardy H, Telle-Lamberton M, Turai I, Usel M, Veress K. The 15-country collaborative study of cancer risk among radiation workers in the nuclear industry: Estimates of radiation-related cancer risks. Radiation Research 2007, 167(4), 396-416.
- Vrijheid M, Cardis E, Blettner M, Gilbert E, Hakama M, Hill C, Howe G, Kaldor J, Muirhead CR, Schubauer-Berigan M, Yoshimura T, Ahn YO, Ashmore P, Auvinen A, Bae JM, Engels H, Gulis G, Habib RR, Hosoda Y, Kurtinaitis J, Malker H, Moser M, Rodriguez-Artalejo F, Rogel A, Tardy H, Telle-Lamberton M, Turai I, Usel M, Veress K. The 15-Country Collaborative Study of Cancer Risk Among Radiation Workers in the Nuclear Industry: design, epidemiological methods and descriptive results. Radiation Research 2007, 167(4), 361-379.
- Mujeeb SA, Pearce MS. Seroprevalence and determinants of risk of hepatitis B and C viral infections in blood donors: a cross sectional analytic study. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 2007, 1(1), 17-24.
- Tiffin PA, Pearce MS, Kaplan CA, Fundudis T, Parker L. Recollections of parental style and perceptions of current family functioning at age 50. Journal of Family Therapy 2007, 29(2), 169-182.
- Pearce MS, Hammal DM, Dorak MT, McNally RJQ, Parker L. Paternal occupational exposure to electro-magnetic fields as a risk factor for cancer in children and young adults: A case-control study from the North of England. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2007, 49(3), 280-286.
- Adams JM, Martin-Ruiz CM, Pearce MS, White M, Parker L, von Zglinicki TW. No association between socio-economic status and white blood cell telomere length. Aging Cell 2007, 6(1), 125-128.
- Kumar N, Marshall NJ, Hammal DM, Pearce MS, Furniss SS, Parker L, Walker DJ, Platt PN. Ischaemic heart disease as a cause of death. A comparison of rheumatoid arthritis patients, their siblings and osteoarthritis controls. Journal of Rheumatology 2007, 34(8), 1695-1698.
- Xu Q, Pearce MS, Parker L. Incidence and survival for testicular germ cell tumor in young males: A report from the Northern Region Young Person's Malignant Disease Registry, United Kingdom. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 2007, 25(1), 32-37.
- Dorak MT, Pearce MS, Hammal DM, McNally RJQ, Parker L. Examination of gender effect in birth weight and miscarriage associations with childhood cancer (United Kingdom). Cancer Causes and Control 2007, 18(2), 219-228.
- Abdullah NA, Pearce MS, Parker L, Wilkinson JR, McNally RJQ. Evidence of an environmental contribution to the aetiology of cryptorchidism and hypospadias?. European Journal of Epidemiology 2007, 22(9), 615-620.
- Kumar N, Marshall NJ, Hammal DM, Pearce MS, Parker L, Furniss SS, Platt PN, Walker DJ. Causes of death in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Comparison with siblings and matched osteoarthritis controls. Journal of Rheumatology 2007, 34(8), 1695-1698.
- Abdullah NA, Pearce MS, Parker L, Wilkinson JR, Jaffray B, McNally RJQ. Birth prevalence of cryptorchidism and hypospadias in northern England, 1993-2000. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2007, 92(7), 576-579.
- McNally RJQ, Dorak MT, Pearce MS, Parker L. Author Response: no sex difference observed in the association between intra-uterine growth and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Causes and Control 2007, 18(10), 1229-1229.
- Cooper R, Blell M, Hardy R, Black S, Pollard TM, Wadsworth MEG, Pearce MS, Kuh D. Validity of age at menarche self-reported in adulthood. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2006, 60(11), 993-997.
- Pearce MS, O'Sullivan JJ. The relationship between birth weight and pulse pressure: cross-sectional study. Journal of Human Hypertension 2006, 20(3), 207-211.
- McNally RJQ, Pearce MS, Parker L. Space-time clustering analyses of testicular cancer amongst 15-24-year-olds in Northern England. European Journal of Epidemiology 2006, 21(2), 139-144.
- McIntyre, E. A., Parker, L., Pearce, M. S., Gerrard, J., Sattar, N., Craft, A. W., Walker, M. Relation between birth weight and soluble markers of endothelial function in middle aged subjects. Heart 2006, 92(5), 679-680.
- Pearce MS, Hammal DM, Dorak MT, McNally RJQ, Parker L. Paternal occupational exposure to pesticides or herbicides as risk factors for cancer in children and young adults: A case-control study from the North of England. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health 2006, 61(3), 138-144.
- Hayes L, Pearce MS, Unwin NC. Lifecourse predictors of normal metabolic parameters in overweight and obese adults. International Journal of Obesity 2006, 30(6), 970-976.
- Pearce MS, Unwin NC, Parker L, Alberti KGMM. Life course determinants of insulin secretion and sensitivity at age 50 years: the Newcastle Thousand Families Study. Diabetes/Metabolism Research Reviews 2006, 22(2), 118-125.
- Glinianaia SV, Jarvis SN, Topp M, Guillem P, Platt MJ, Pearce MS, Parker L. Intrauterine growth and cerebral palsy in twins: A European multicenter study. Twin Research and Human Genetics 2006, 9(3), 460-466.
- Mason J, Pearce MS, Walls AWG, Parker L, Steele JG. How do factors at different stages of the lifecourse contribute to oral-health-related quality of life in middle age for men and women?. Journal of Dental Research 2006, 85(3), 257-261.
- Pearce MS, Deary IJ, Young AH, Parker L. Childhood IQ and deaths up to middle age: The Newcastle Thousand Families Study. Public Health 2006, 120(11), 1020-1026.
- Kerr SRJ, Pearce MS, Brayne C, Davis RJ, Kenny RA. Carotid sinus hypersensitivity in asymptomatic older persons: Implications for diagnosis of syncope and falls. Archives of Internal Medicine 2006, 166(5), 515-520.
- Pearce MS, Steele JG, Campbell DI, Thomas JE. Tooth loss and Helicobacter pylori seropositivity: The Newcastle Thousand Families cohort study at age 49-51 years. Helicobacter 2005, 10(1), 90-94.
- Relton CL, Pearce MS, Parker L. The influence of erythrocyte folate and serum vitamin B12 status on birth weight. British Journal of Nutrition 2005, 93(5), 593-599.
- Glinianaia SV, Rankin J, Bell R, Pearce MS, Parker L. Temporal changes in the distribution of population risk factors attenuate the reduction in perinatal mortality. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2005, 58(12), 1299-1307.
- Tiffin PA, Pearce MS, Parker L. Social mobility over the lifecourse and self reported mental health at age 50: Prospective cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2005, 59(10), 870-872.
- Pearce MS, Hayes L. Self-reported smoking status and exhaled carbon monoxide: Results from two population-based epidemiologic studies in the north of England. Chest 2005, 128(3), 1233-1238.
- Birrell F, Pearce MS, Francis RM, Parker L. Self-report overestimates true height loss: Implications for diagnosis of osteoporosis. Clinical Rheumatology 2005, 24(6), 590-592.
- Cardis E, Vrijheid M, Blettner M, Gilbert E, Hakama M, Hill C, Howe G, Kaldor J, Muirhead CR, Schubauer-Berigan M, Yoshimura T, Bermann F, Cowper G, Fix JJ, Hacker C, Heinmiller B, Marshall M, Thierry-Chef I, Utterback D, Ahn Y-O, Amoros E, Ashmore P, Auvinen A, Bae J-M, Bernar Solano J, Biau A, Combalot E, Deboodt P, Sacristan Diez A, Eklof M, Engels H, Engholm G, Gulis G, Habib R, Holan K, Hyvonen H, Kerekes A, Kurtinaitis J, Malker H, Martuzzi M, Mastauskas A, Monnet A, Moser M, Pearce MS, Richardson DB, Rodriguez-Artalejo F, Rogel A, Tardy H, Telle-Lamberton M, Turai I, Usel M, Veress K. Risk of cancer following low doses of ionising radiation: retrospective cohort study in 15 countries. British Medical Journal 2005, 331(7508), 77-80.
- Rankin JM, Pearce MS, Bell R, Glinianaia SV, Parker L. Perinatal mortality rates: Adjusting for risk factor profile is essential. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2005, 19(1), 56-58.
- Adams JM, Pearce MS, White M, Unwin NC, Parker L. No consistent association between birthweight and parental risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Diabetic Medicine 2005, 22(7), 950-953.
- Bulsara MK, Bremner AP, Pearce MS. Measuring seasonality in epidemiological investigations. Australasian Epidemiologist 2005, 12(2), 7-10.
- Pearce MS, Birrell F, Francis RM, Rawlings DJ, Tuck SP, Parker L. Lifecourse study of bone health at age 49-51 years: The Newcastle thousand families cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2005, 59(6), 475-480.
- Pearce M, Unwin N, Relton C, Alberti K, Parker L. Lifecourse determinants of fasting and post-challenge glucose at age 50 years: The Newcastle thousand families study. European Journal of Epidemiology 2005, 20(11), 915-923.
- Pearce MS, Deary IJ, Young AH, Parker L. Growth in early life and childhood IQ at age 11 years: The Newcastle Thousand Families study. International Journal of Epidemiology 2005, 34(3), 673-677.
- Pearce MS, Deary IJ, Young AH, Parker L. Growth in early life and childhood IQ at age 11 years. International Journal of Epidemiology 2005, 34(3), 673-677.
- Pearce MS, Thomas J, Campbell DI, Parker L. Does increased duration of exclusive breastfeeding protect against Helicobacter pylori infection? The Newcastle thousand families cohort study at age 49-51 years. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2005, 41(5), 617-620.
- Tuck SP, Pearce MS, Rawlings DJ, Birrell FN, Parker L, Francis RM. Differences in bone mineral density and geometry in men and women: the Newcastle Thousand Families Study at 50 years old. British Journal of Radiology 2005, 78(930), 493-498.
- Pearce, M. S., Parker, L., Windebank, K. P., Cotterill, S. J., Craft, A. W. Cancer in adolescents and young adults aged 15-24 years: A report from the North of England Young Person's Malignant Disease Registry, UK. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2005, 45(5), 687-693.
- Relton CL, Pearce MS, Burn J, Parker L. An investigation of folate-related genetic factors in the determination of birthweight. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2005, 19(5), 360-367.
- Cotterill, S. J., Wright, C. M., Pearce, M. S., Craft, A. W. Stature of young people with malignant bone tumors. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2004, 42(1), 59-63.
- Barker RM, Pearce MS, Irving M. Star wars, NHS style. British Medical Journal 2004, 329(7457), 107-109.
- Adams JM, White M, Pearce MS, Parker L. Life course measures of socioeconomic position and self reported health at age 50: Prospective cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2004, 58(12), 1028-1029.
- Jowett SL, Seal CJ, Pearce MS, Phillips E, Gregory W, Barton JR, Welfare MR. Influence of dietary factors on the clinical course of ulcerative colitis: a prospective cohort study. Gut 2004, 53(10), 1479-1484.
- Campbell DI, Pearce MS, Parker L, Thomas JE. IgG Subclass Responses in Childhood Helicobacter pylori Duodenal Ulcer: Evidence of T-Helper Cell Type 2 Responses. Helicobacter 2004, 9(4), 289-292.
- Relton CL, Wilding CS, Pearce MS, Laffling AJ, Jonas PA, Lynch SA, Tawn EJ, Burn J. Gene-gene interaction in folate-related genes and risk of neural tube defects in a UK population. Journal of Medical Genetics 2004, 41(4), 256-260.
- Pearce MS, Cotterill SJ, Parker L. Fathers' occupational contacts and risk of childhood leukemia and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Epidemiology 2004, 15(3), 352-356.
- Pearce MS, Steele JG, Mason J, Walls AWG, Parker L. Do circumstances in early life contribute to tooth retention in middle age?. Journal of Dental Research 2004, 83(7), 562-566.
- Bell R, Glinianaia SV, Rankin J, Wright C, Pearce MS, Parker L. Changing patterns of perinatal death, 1982-2000: a retrospective cohort study. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal & Neonatal Edition 2004, 89(6), F531-F536.
- Pearce, M. S., Parker, L., Cotterill, S. J., Gordon, P., Craft, A. W. Skin cancer in children and young adults: 28 Years' experience from the Northern Region Young Person's Malignant Disease Registry, UK. Melanoma Research 2003, 13(4), 421-426.
- Pearce MS, O'Sullivan JJ. Relationship between birth weight and blood pressure variability in children. Journal of Human Hypertension 2003, 17(10), 677-680.
- Parker L, Lamont DW, Unwin N, Pearce MS, Bennett SMA, Dickinson HO, White MJR, Mathers JC, Alberti KGMM, Craft AW. A lifecourse study of risk for hyperinsulinaemia, dyslipidaemia and obesity (the central metabolic syndrome) at age 49-51 years. Diabetic Medicine 2003, 20(5), 406-415.
- O'Sullivan J, Wright C, Pearce MS, Parker L. The influence of age and gender on the relationship between birth weight and blood pressure in childhood: A study using 24-hour and casual blood pressure. European Journal of Pediatrics 2002, 161(8), 423-427.
- Pearce MS, Dickinson HO, Aitken M, Parker L. Still-births among the offspring of male radiation workers at the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant: detailed results and statistical aspects. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 2002, 165(3), 523-548.
- Cotterill SJ, Pearce MS, Parker L. Thyroid cancer in children and young adults in the North of England. Is increasing incidence related to the Chernobyl accident?. European Journal of Cancer 2001, 37(8), 1020-1026.
- Feltbower RG, Pearce MS, Dickinson HO, Parker L, McKinney PA. Seasonality of birth for cancer in Northern England, UK. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2001, 15(4), 338-345.
- Pearce MS, Cardis E. Depleted uranium: cause for concern or just a good story?. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2001, 18(6), 367-370.
- Pearce MS, Parker L. Childhood cancer registrations in the developing world: Still more boys than girls. International Journal of Cancer 2001, 91(3), 402-406.
- Pearce MS, Feltbower RG. Tests for seasonal data via the Edwards and Walter & Elwood tests. Stata Technical Bulletin 2000, 56, 47-49.
- Dummer TJB, Dickinson HO, Pearce MS, Charlton ME, Parker L. Stillbirth risk with social class and deprivation: no evidence for increasing inequality. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2000, 53(2), 147-155.
- Pearce MS. Profile likelihood confidence intervals for explanatory variables in logistic regression. Stata Technical Bulletin 2000, 56, 45-47.
- Pearce MS, Parker L. Paternal employment in agriculture and childhood kidney cancer. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2000, 17(3), 223-230.
- O'Sullivan JJ, Pearce MS, Parker L. Parental recall of birth weight: how accurate is it?. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2000, 82(3), 202-203.
- Parker L, Pearce MS, Dickinson HO, Craft AW. Correspondence: stillbirths among offspring of male radiation workers. The Lancet 2000, 355(9202), 493.
- Pearce MS. Assessing the effects of treatments for hematological malignancies on prepubertal growth. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2000, 17(6), 441-443.
- Dummer TJB, Pearce MS, Dickinson HO, Charlton ME, Salotti J, Parker L. Stillbirths in relation to the coastline of Cumbria, 1950-89. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 1999, 13(2), 131-137.
- Parker, L., Pearce, M. S., Dickinson, H. O., Aitkin, M., Craft, A. W. Stillbirths among offspring of male radiation workers at Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant. The Lancet 1999, 354(9188), 1407-1414.
- Dummer TJB, Dickinson HO, Pearce MS, Charlton ME, Smith J, Salotti J, Parker L. Stillbirth rates around the nuclear installation at Sellafield, North West England: 1950-1989. International Journal of Epidemiology 1998, 27(1), 74-82.
- Pearce MS. Geographically weighted regression: A method for exploring spatial nonstationarity. Stata Technical Bulletin 1998, 46, 20-24.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Abd Hamid IJ, Slatter M, McKendrick F, Pearce MS, Gennery AR. Post-Transport health-related quality of life for different severe combined immunodeficiency genotypes. In: CIS Annual Meeting: Immune Deficiency & Dysregulation North American Conference. 2016, Boston, Massachusetts: Springer New York LLC.
- Juliana I, Hamid A, Slatter M, McKendrick F, Pearce MS, Gennery A. Post-Transplant Health-Related Quality of Life for Different Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Genotypes. In: American Society of Pediatrics Hematology/Oncology (ASPHO). 2016, Minneapolis, MN, USA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Abd Hamid IJ, Slatter M, McKendrick F, Pearce MS, Gennery A. Post-transplant health-related quality of life for different severe combined immunodeficiency genotypes. In: 42nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016, Valencia, Spain: Nature Publishing Group.
- Forsyth R, Hayes L, Pearce M, Wales L, Dunford C. Marked variability in inpatient paediatric rehabilitation pathways in the UK: Does this matter?. In: International Brain Injury Association’s Eleventh World Congress on Brain Injury. 2016, The Hague, The Netherlands: Taylor & Francis.
- Abd Hamid IJ, Slatter M, Pearce MS, Gennery AR. Long-term immune reconstruction post-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in IL2RG/JAK3 SCID, Newcastle experience. In: CIS Annual Meeting: Immune Deficiency & Dysregulation North American Conference. 2016, Boston, Massachusetts: Springer.
- Abd Hamid IJ, Slatter M, Pearce MS, Gennery A. Long-term immune reconstitution post- hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in IL2RG/JAK3 SCID, Newcastle experience. In: American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology (ASPHO). 2016, Minneapolis, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Pearson F, Huangfu P, Pearce M, McNally R, Unwin N, Critchley JA. Exploring the association between tuberculosis and diabetes in a UK primary care dataset. In: Society of Social Medicine. 2016, York, UK: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
- Abd Hamid IJ, Slatter M, Pearce MS, Gennery AR. A single centre cohort report of long term clinical outcome of severe combined immunodeficiency following haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. In: 2016 CIS Annual Meeting: Immune Deficiency & Dysregulation North American Conference. 2016, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Springer US.
- Mann KD, Pearce MS, McKevith B, Thielecke F, Seal CJ. Whole grain intake is associated with intakes of other foods and nutrients and some markers of health in the National Diet and Nutrition Survey rolling programme years 1, 2 and 3. In: The Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2014, Carbohydrates in health: friends or foes?. 2015, Glasgow, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Mann KD, Pearce MS, McKevith B, Thielecke F, Seal CJ. Whole grain intake in the UK remains low: results from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey rolling programme years 1, 2 and 3. In: The Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2014: Carbohydrates in health: friends or foes?. 2015, Glasgow, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- McNally R, Gomez-Pozo B, Rushton S, Pearce M. Spatial epidemiology of lung cancer mortality in Andalucýa, Spain: Geographical heterogeneity and risk factors assessment. In: European Cancer Congress 2015. 2015, Vienna, Austria: Elsevier B.V.
- McNally R, Basta N, Errington S, James P, Norman P, Hale J, Pearce MS. Socio-economic patterning in the incidence and survival of males and young men diagnosed with testicular cancer in Northern England. In: 45th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP). 2013, Hong Kong, China: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Abraham A, Pearce MS, Mann KD, Francis RM, Birrell F. Breast is best. Lifecourse influences on the development of knee osteophytes: the Newcastle Thousand Families Study. In: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Rheumatology. 2012, Glasgow, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Brown M, Best K, Bell R, Pearce M, Robson S, Waugh J. Long term cardiovascular risk in women with pre-eclamsia: Systematic review and meta-analysis [abstract]. In: Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 2011, BRITISH MED ASSOC HOUSE, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON WC1H 9JR, ENGLAND: BMJ Group.
- Forsyth R, Pearce MS. The price of failure: triage after apparently minor head injury. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2013, 98, 925-926.
- Pearce MS. Patterns in paediatric CT use: An international and epidemiological perspective. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 2011, 55(2), 107-109.
- Elkazza S, Hogg HDJ, Di Simplicio S, Dlay S. Comment on: Ranibizumab and aflibercept intravitreal injection for treatment naïve and refractory macular oedema in branch retinal vein occlusion. European Journal of Ophthalmology 2022, 32(1), NP303-NP304.
- Carvallaro F, Lugg-Widger F, Cannings-John R, Harron K, McNally R, Pollock AM, Blakey K, Sharp L, O’Donnell A, Hayes L, Pearce M, Harbron R, Slack E. Open letter to the ICO, CMOs and UK data providers: Reducing barriers to data access for research in the public interest - lessons from covid-19. British Medical Journal 2020, 1-13.
- McNally RJ, Wakeford R, James PW, Basta NO, Alston RD, Pearce MS, Elliott AT. Reply to Comment on 'A geographical study of thyroid cancer incidence in north-west England following the Windscale nuclear reactor fire of 1957'. Journal of Radiological Protection 2017, 37(2), 553-554.
- McNally RJ, Bunch KJ, Craft AW, Murphy MF. Response to: Comment on 'Updated investigations of cancer excesses in individuals born or resident in the vicinity of Sellafield and Dounreay'. British Journal of Cancer 2015, 112(11), 1837.
- McDonald C, Firbank M, Pearce M, Blamire AM, Newton JL, Kerr S. Symptoms During Carotid Sinus Massage, Not Hemodynamic Change, Are Associated with White Matter Hyperintensity Volume on Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2014, 62(10), 1988-1989.
- Cole TS, Jones LKR, McGrogan P, Pearce MS, Flood TJ, Cant AJ, Goldblatt D, Thrasher AJ, Gennery AR, McKendrick F, Titman P. Emotional and behavioural difficulties in chronic granulomatous disease. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2012, 97(1), 87-87.
- Pearce MS, Salotti JA, Little MP, McHugh K, Lee C, Kim KP, Howe NL, Ronckers CM, Rajaraman P, Craft AW, Parker L, de Gonzalez AB. CT scans in childhood and risk of leukaemia and brain tumours reply. Lancet 2012, 380(9855), 1736-1737.
- McNally RJQ, Abdullah NA, Pearce MS, Parker L, Wilkinson J. Space-time clustering of cryptorchidism and hypospadias. Epidemiology 2007, 18(1), 183-184.
- Relton CL, Pearce MS, Ness A, Burn J. Folate Status and Genetic Selection. Nature Genetics 2005.
- Campbell DI, Pearce MS, Parker L, Thomas JE, Sullivan PB, Dale A. Immunoglobulin G subclass responses to Helicobacter pylori vary with age in populations with different levels of risk of gastric carcinoma. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 2004, 11(3), 631-633.
- Parker, L., Craft, A. W., Pearce, M. S., Dickinson, H. O. Stillbirths among offspring of male radiation workers - Reply. The Lancet 2000, 355(9202), 493.
- Dickinson HO, Dummer TJB, Pearce MS. Death rates from childhood leukaemia near nuclear sites: Numbers of observed deaths were closer to those expected after known risk factors were allowed for. British Medical Journal 1997, 315(7117), 1232-1232.
- Parker L, Lamont DW, Unwin N, Pearce MS, Bennett SM, Dickinson HO, White M, Mathers JC, Alberti KG, Craft AW. A lifecourse study of risk for hyperinsulinaemia, dyslipidaemia and obesity (the central metabolic syndrome) at age 49-51 years.[Erratum appears in Diabet Med. 2003 Sep;20(9):781]. Diabetic Medicine 2003, 20(9), 406-415.
Online Publication
- Pearce MS, Parker L. Childhood growth influences cognition in the Thousand Families study, but not income at age 50. Archives of Disease in Childhood: BMJ Group, 2005. Available at:
- Elliott AT, Gibson CJ, Barrett J, Darragh P, DeVocht F, Harrison J, Howard B, Marsden P, Martin C, McKeown S, Nunan T, Pearce M, Prise K, Robinson I, Taylor R, Toledano M, Wakefield R, Warwick P, West C, Bithell J, Evan W, Helleday T, Hodgson S, Hoskin P, Jeggo P, Kadhim M, Maskell G, Black R, Bunch K, Simmonds J, Brown J, McNally R, Zhang W. Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE). Seventeenth report. Further considerations of the incidence of cancers around the nuclear installations at Sellafield and Dounreay. Chilton: Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE), 2016. 17.
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, Pearce MS (Participant on behalf of IARC Secretariat). Non-ionizing radiation, Part 1: Static and Extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields. Lyon, France: World Health Organization / International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2002. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans.
- Bertollini R, Rushbrook P, Dora C, van Leeuwen FXR, Pearce MS. Report of the World Health Organization Depleted Uranium Mission to Kosovo. Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2001.
- Cardis E, Pearce MS, Boffetta P, Bulat P, Buffler P. Depleted uranium and other exposures in conflict areas. I - the Balkans. Exposures, possible health effects and outline of epidemiologic feasibility studies. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2001. IARC Technical Report 01/001.
- Jones TL, Esa MS, Li KHC, Krishnan SRG, Elgallab GM, Pearce MS, Young DA, Birrell FN. Osteoporosis, fracture, osteoarthritis & sarcopenia: A systematic review of circulating microRNA association. Bone 2021, 152, 116068.
- Harbron R, Ainsbury EA, Bouffler SD, Tanner RJ, Eakins JS, Pearce MS. Enhanced radiation dose and DNA damage associated with iodinated contrast media in diagnostic X-ray imaging. The British Journal of Radiology 2017, 90(1079), 20170028.
- Harbron RW, Dreuil S, Bernier M-O, Pearce MS, Thierry-Chef I, Chapple C-L, Baysson H. Patient radiation doses in paediatric interventional cardiology procedures: a review. Journal of Radiological Protection 2016, 36(4), R131.
- Pearce MS, Mann KD, Relton CL, Francis RM, Steele JG, Craft AW, Parker L. How the Newcastle Thousand Families birth cohort study has contributed to the understanding of the impact of birth weight and early life socioeconomic position on disease in later life. Maturitas 2012, 72(1), 23-28.