Staff Profile
Dr Chris Kotanidis
NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow
- Address: Translational and Clinical Research Institute
DPhil | University of Oxford | 2021
MSc | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 2017
MD | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 2015
Social Media
2023 | Award Winner - Highest Ranked Young Investigator Award
Issued by the British Atherosclerosis Society
Young Investigator Award Competition at the BAS Annual Meeting 2023
2022 | RDM Education Prize
Issued by the Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford
1st place in the joint RDM Science Education competition 2020/2021
2021 | ESC Young Investigator Award in Coronary Pathophysiology and Microcirculation
Issued by the European Society of Cardiology
1st prize in the Young Investigator Award Competition in Coronary Pathophysiology and Microcirculation in the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2021
2021 | BCS/BAS/BSCR Young Investigators Award Competition – Finalist
Issued by the British Cardiovascular Society
Finalist in the Young Investigators Award Competition at the British Cardiovascular Society Virtual Annual Conference, Manchester
2021 | BSCI Young Investigator Award - Runner up
Issued by the British Society of Cardiovascular Imaging
Finalist in the Young Investigator Award Competition at the British Society of Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting 2021
2021 | ICNC-CT 2021 Young Investigator Award - First Runner up
Issued by the European Society of Cardiology
2nd prize in the Young Investigators Award Competition at the ICNC-CT 2021 Virtual Conference
2020 | Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award
Issued by the American Heart Association
Highest ranked abstract submitted from the United Kingdom at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2020
2020 | Melvin Judkins Early Career Investigator Award in Cardiovascular Radiology - Finalist
Issued by the Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention - American Heart Association
Finalist in the CVRI Early Career Investigator Award Session of the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2020
- Kotanidis C, Xie C, Alexander D, Rodrigues JCL, Burnham K, Mentzer A, O'Connor D, Knight J, Knight J, Siddique M, Lockstone H, Thomas S, Kotronias R, Oikonomou EK, Badi I, Lyasheva M, Shirodaria C, Lumley SF, Constantinides B, Sanderson N, Rodger G, Chau KK, Lodge A, Tsakok M, Gleeson F, on behalf of the COMBAT Consortium. Constructing custom-made radiotranscriptomic signatures of vascular inflammation from routine CT angiograms: a prospective outcomes validation study in COVID-19. The Lancet Digital Health 2022, 4(10), e705-e716.
- Tardajos Ayllon B, Basu J, Burrage M, Kotanidis CP, Ramirez J, Coyle C. The British Cardiovascular Society Young Investigator Award 2021. Heart 2021, 107(22), 1844-1845.
- Evans RA, Harrison EM, Singapuri A, Sereno M, Docherty AB, Lone NI, Leavy OC, Baillie JK, Brown JS, Chalder T, De Soyza A, Geddes JR, Hart N, Heaney LG, Heller S, Howard L, Hurst JR, Jacob J, Jenkins RG, Jolley C, Kerr S, Kon OM, Lewis K, Lord JM, McCann GP, Neubauer S, Openshaw PJM, Parekh D, Pfeffer P, Rahman NM, Raman B, Richardson M, Rowland M, Semple MG, Shah AM, Singh SJ, Sheikh A, Thomas D, Toshner M, Chalmers JD, Ho L-P, Horsley A, Marks M, Wain LV, Brightling CE, Abel K, Adamali H, Adeloye D, Adeyemi O, Adeyemi F, Ahmad S, Ahmed R, Ainsworth M, Alamoudi A, Aljaroof M, Allan L, Allen R, Alli A, Al-Sheklly B, Altmann D, Anderson D, Andrews M, Angyal A, Antoniades C, Arbane G, Armour C, Armstrong N, Armstrong L, Arnold H, Arnold D, Ashworth M, Ashworth A, Assefa-Kebede H, Atkin P, Atkins H, Atkins A, Aul R, Avram C, Baggott R, Baguley D, Baillie JK, Bain S, Bakali M, Bakau M, Baldry E, Baldwin D, Ballard C, Bambrough J, Barker RE, Barratt S, Barrett F, Basu N, Batterham R, Baxendale H, Bayes H, Bayley M, Beadsworth M, Beirne P, Bell R, Bell D, Berry C, Betts S, Bhui K, Bishop L, Blaikely J, Bloomfield C, Bloss A, Bolger A, Bolton CE, Bonnington J, Botkai A, Bourne M, Bourne C, Bradley E, Bramham K, Brear L, Breen G, Breeze J, Briggs A, Bright E, Brightling CE, Brill S, Brindle K, Broad L, Broome M, Brown JS, Brown M, Brown J, Brown R, Brown V, Brown A, Brugha T, Brunskill N, Buch M, Bularga A, Bullmore E, Burn D, Burns G, Busby J, Buttress A, Byrne S, Cairns P, Calder PC, Calvelo E, Card B, Carr L, Carson G, Carter P, Cavanagh J, Chalder T, Chalmers JD, Chambers RC, Channon K, Chapman K, Charalambou A, Chaudhuri N, Checkley A, Chen J, Chetham L, Chilvers ER, Chinoy H, Chong-James K, Choudhury N, Choudhury G, Chowdhury P, Chowienczyk P, Christie C, Clark D, Clark C, Clarke J, Clift P, Clohisey S, Coburn Z, Cole J, Coleman C, Connell D, Connolly B, Connor L, Cook A, Cooper B, Coupland C, Craig T, Crisp P, Cristiano D, Crooks MG, Cross A, Cruz I, Cullinan P, Daines L, Daines L, Dalton M, Dark P, Dasgin J, David A, David C, Davies M, Davies G, Davies K, Davies F, Davies GA, Daynes E, De Silva T, De Soyza A, Deakin B, Deans A, Defres S, Dell A, Dempsey K, Dennis J, Dewar A, Dharmagunawardena R, Diar Bakerly N, Diar Bakerly N, Dipper A, Diver S, Diwanji SN, Dixon M, Djukanovic R, Dobson H, Dobson C, Dobson SL, Docherty AB, Donaldson A, Dong T, Dormand N, Dougherty A, Dowling R, Drain S, Dulawan P, Dunn S, Easom N, Easom N, Echevarria C, Edwards S, Edwardson C, Elliott B, Elliott A, Ellis Y, Elmer A, Elneima O, Elneima O, Evans RA, Evans J, Evans H, Evans D, Evans RI, Evans R, Evans T, Fabbri L, Fairbairn S, Fairman A, Fallon K, Faluyi D, Favager C, Felton T, Finch J, Finney S, Fisher H, Fletcher S, Flockton R, Foote D, Ford A, Forton D, Francis R, Francis S, Francis C, Frankel A, Fraser E, Free R, French N, Fuld J, Furniss J, Garner L, Gautam N, Geddes JR, George PM, George J, Gibbons M, Gilmour L, Gleeson F, Glossop J, Glover S, Goodman N, Gooptu B, Gorsuch T, Gourlay E, Greenhaff P, Greenhalf W, Greenhalgh A, Greening NJ, Greening NJ, Greenwood J, Greenwood S, Gregory R, Grieve D, Gummadi M, Gupta A, Gurram S, Guthrie E, Hadley K, Haggar A, Hainey K, Haldar P, Hall I, Hall L, Halling-Brown M, Hamil R, Hanley NA, Hardwick H, Hardy E, Hargadon B, Harrington K, Harris V, Harrison EM, Harrison P, Hart N, Harvey A, Harvey M, Harvie M, Havinden-Williams M, Hawkes J, Hawkings N, Haworth J, Hayday A, Heaney LG, Heeney JL, Heightman M, Heller S, Henderson M, Hesselden L, Hillman T, Hingorani A, Hiwot T, Ho LP, Hoare A, Hoare M, Hogarth P, Holbourn A, Holdsworth L, Holgate D, Holmes K, Holroyd-Hind B, Horsley A, Hosseini A, Hotopf M, Houchen L, Howard L, Howell A, Hufton E, Hughes A, Hughes J, Hughes R, Humphries A, Huneke N, Hurst JR, Hurst R, Husain M, Hussell T, Ibrahim W, Ient A, Ingram L, Ismail K, Jackson T, Jacob J, James WY, Janes S, Jarvis H, Jayaraman B, Jenkins RG, Jezzard P, Jiwa K, Johnson S, Johnson C, Johnston D, Jolley C, Jolley CJ, Jones I, Jones S, Jones D, Jones H, Jones G, Jones M, Jose S, Kabir T, Kaltsakas G, Kamwa V, Kar P, Kausar Z, Kelly S, Kerr S, Key AL, Khan F, Khunti K, King C, King B, Kitterick P, Klenerman P, Knibbs L, Knight S, Knighton A, Kon OM, Kon S, Kon SS, Korszun A, Kotanidis C, Koychev I, Kurupati P, Kwan J, Laing C, Lamlum H, Landers G, Langenberg C, Lasserson D, Lawrie A, Lea A, Leavy OC, Lee D, Lee E, Leitch K, Lenagh R, Lewis K, Lewis V, Lewis KE, Lewis J, Lewis-Burke N, Light T, Lightstone L, Lim L, Linford S, Lingford-Hughes A, Lipman M, Liyanage K, Lloyd A, Logan S, Lomas D, Lone NI, Loosley R, Lord JM, Lota H, Lucey A, MacGowan G, Macharia I, Mackay C, Macliver L, Madathil S, Madzamba G, Magee N, Mairs N, Majeed N, Major E, Malim M, Mallison G, Man W, Mandal S, Mangion K, Mansoori P, Marciniak S, Mariveles M, Marks M, Marshall B, Martineau A, Maskell N, Matila D, Matthews L, Mayet J, McAdoo S, McAllister-Williams H, McArdle P, McArdle A, McAulay D, McAuley H, McAuley H, McAuley DF, McCafferty K, McCann GP, McCauley H, McCourt P, Mcgarvey L, McGinness J, McGovern A, McGuinness H, McInnes IB, McIvor K, McIvor E, McMahon A, McMahon MJ, McMorrow L, Mcnally T, McNarry M, McQueen A, McShane H, Megson S, Meiring J, Menzies D, Michael A, Milligan L, Mills N, Mitchell J, Mohamed A, Molyneaux PL, Monteiro W, Morley A, Morrison L, Morriss R, Morrow A, Moss A, Moss AJ, Moss P, Mukaetova-Ladinska E, Munawar U, Murali E, Murira J, Nassa H, Neill P, Neubauer S, Newby D, Newell H, Newton Cox A, Nicholson T, Nicoll D, Nolan CM, Noonan MJ, Novotny P, Nunag J, Nyaboko J, O'Brien L, Odell N, Ogg G, Olaosebikan O, Oliver C, Omar Z, Openshaw PJM, Rivera-Ortega P, Osbourne R, Ostermann M, Overton C, Oxton J, Pacpaco E, Paddick S, Papineni P, Paradowski K, Pareek M, Parekh D, Parfrey H, Pariante C, Parker S, Parkes M, Parmar J, Parvin R, Patale S, Patel B, Patel S, Patel M, Pathmanathan B, Pavlides M, Pearl JE, Peckham D, Pendlebury J, Peng Y, Pennington C, Peralta I, Perkins E, Peto T, Petousi N, Petrie J, Pfeffer P, Phipps J, Pimm J, Piper Hanley K, Pius R, Plein S, Plekhanova T, Poinasamy K, Poinasamy K, Polgar O, Poll L, Porter JC, Portukhay S, Powell N, Price L, Price D, Price A, Price C, Prickett A, Quaid S, Quigley J, Quint J, Qureshi H, Rahman N, Rahman M, Ralser M, Raman B, Ramos A, Rangeley J, Rees T, Regan K, Richards A, Richardson M, Robertson E, Rodgers J, Ross G, Rossdale J, Rostron A, Routen A, Rowland A, Rowland MJ, Rowland J, Rowland-Jones SL, Roy K, Rudan I, Russell R, Russell E, Sabit R, Sage EK, Samani N, Samuel R, Sapey E, Saralaya D, Saratzis A, Sargeant J, Sass T, Sattar N, Saunders K, Saunders R, Saxon W, Sayer A, Schwaeble W, Scott J, Scott K, Selby N, Semple MG, Sereno M, Shah K, Shah A, Shah P, Sharma M, Sharpe M, Sharpe C, Shaw V, Sheikh A, Shevket K, Shikotra A, Shikotra A, Short J, Siddiqui S, Sigfrid L, Simons G, Simpson J, Singapuri A, Singh SJ, Singh C, Singh S, Skeemer J, Smith I, Smith J, Smith L, Smith A, Soares M, Southern D, Spears M, Spencer LG, Speranza F, Stadon L, Stanel S, Steiner M, Stensel D, Stern M, Stewart I, Stockley J, Stone R, Storrie A, Storton K, Stringer E, Subbe C, Sudlow C, Suleiman Z, Summers C, Summersgill C, Sutherland D, Sykes DL, Sykes R, Talbot N, Tan AL, Taylor C, Taylor A, Te A, Tedd H, Tee CJ, Tench H, Terry S, Thackray-Nocera S, Thaivalappil F, Thickett D, Thomas D, Thomas DC, Thomas AK, Thompson AAR, Thompson T, Thornton T, Thwaites RS, Tobin M, Toingson GF, Tong C, Toshner M, Touyz R, Tripp KA, Tunnicliffe E, Turner E, Turtle L, Turton H, Ugwuoke R, Upthegrove R, Valabhji J, Vellore K, Wade E, Wain LV, Wajero LO, Walder S, Walker S, Wall E, Wallis T, Walmsley S, Walsh S, Walsh JA, Watson L, Watson J, Watson E, Welch C, Welch H, Welsh B, Wessely S, West S, Wheeler H, Whitehead V, Whitney J, Whittaker S, Whittam B, Wild J, Wilkins M, Wilkinson D, Williams N, Williams B, Williams J, Williams-Howard SA, Willicombe M, Willis G, Wilson D, Wilson I, Window N, Witham M, Wolf-Roberts R, Woodhead F, Woods J, Wootton D, Worsley J, Wraith D, Wright L, Wright C, Wright S, Xie C, Yasmin S, Yates T, Yip KP, Young B, Young S, Young A, Yousuf AJ, Yousuf A, Zawia A, Zhao B, Zongo O. Physical, cognitive, and mental health impacts of COVID-19 after hospitalisation (PHOSP-COVID): a UK multicentre, prospective cohort study. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2021, 9(11), 1275-1287.
- Akawi N, Checa A, Antonopoulos AS, Akoumianakis I, Daskalaki E, Kotanidis CP, Kondo H, Lee K, Yesilyurt D, Badi I, Polkinghorne M, Akbar N, Lundgren J, Chuaiphichai S, Choudhury R, Neubauer S, Channon KM, Torekov SS, Wheelock CE, Antoniades C. Fat-Secreted Ceramides Regulate Vascular Redox State and Influence Outcomes in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2021, 77(20), 2494-2513.
- Kondo H, Akoumianakis I, Badi I, Akawi N, Kotanidis CP, Polkinghorne M, Stadiotti I, Sommariva E, Antonopoulos AS, Carena MC, Oikonomou EK, Reus EM, Sayeed R, Krasopoulos G, Srivastava V, Farid S, Chuaiphichai S, Shirodaria C, Channon KM, Casadei B, Antoniades C. Effects of canagliflozin on human myocardial redox signalling: Clinical implications. European Heart Journal 2021, 42(48), 4947-4960.
- Nikolaidou C, Kotanidis CP, Wijesurendra R, Leal-Pelado J, Kouskouras K, Vassilikos VP, Karvounis H, Ntusi N, Antoniades C, Neubauer S, Karamitsos TD. Cardiac magnetic resonance to detect the underlying substrate in patients with frequent idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias. Diagnostics 2021, 11(6), 1109.
- Kotanidou EP, Kotanidis CP, Giza S, Serbis A, Tsinopoulou V-R, Karalazou P, Tzimagiorgis G, Galli-Tsinopoulou A. Osteoprotegerin increases parallel to insulin resistance in obese adolescents. Endocrine Research 2019, 44(1-2), 9-15.
- Kleisarchaki AN, Papadopoulou-Legbelou K, Kotanidou EP, Kotanidis CP, Eboriadou-Petikopoulou M, Galli-Tsinopoulou A. Could vitamin D deficiency influence left heart ventricular geometry in youngsters with type 1 diabetes mellitus?. Hippokratia 2019, 23(1), 9-14.
- Akoumianakis I, Sanna F, Margaritis M, Badi I, Akawi N, Herdman L, Coutinho P, Fagan H, Antonopoulos AS, Oikonomou EK, Thomas S, Chiu AP, Chuaiphichai S, Kotanidis CP, Christodoulides C, Petrou M, Krasopoulos G, Sayeed R, Lv L, Hale A, Kararoudi MN, McNeill E, Douglas G, George S, Tousoulis D, Channon KM, Antoniades C. Adipose tissue-derived WNT5A regulates vascular redox signaling in obesity via USP17/RAC1-mediated activation of NADPH oxidases. Science Translational Medicine 2019, 11(510), eaav5055.
- Oikonomou EK, Williams MC, Kotanidis CP, Desai MY, Marwan M, Antonopoulos AS, Thomas KE, Thomas S, Akoumianakis I, Fan LM, Kesavan S, Herdman L, Alashi A, Centeno EH, Lyasheva M, Griffin BP, Flamm SD, Shirodaria C, Sabharwal N, Kelion A, Dweck MR, Van Beek EJR, Deanfield J, Hopewell JC, Neubauer S, Channon KM, Achenbach S, Newby DE, Antoniades C. A novel machine learning-derived radiotranscriptomic signature of perivascular fat improves cardiac risk prediction using coronary CT angiography. European Heart Journal 2019, 40(43), 3529-3543.
- Oikonomou EK, Marwan M, Desai MY, Mancio J, Alashi A, Hutt Centeno E, Thomas S, Herdman L, Kotanidis CP, Thomas KE, Griffin BP, Flamm SD, Antonopoulos AS, Shirodaria C, Sabharwal N, Deanfield J, Neubauer S, Hopewell JC, Channon KM, Achenbach S, Antoniades C. Non-invasive detection of coronary inflammation using computed tomography and prediction of residual cardiovascular risk (the CRISP CT study): a post-hoc analysis of prospective outcome data. The Lancet 2018, 392(10151), 929-939.
- Kotanidis CP, Bazmpani M-A, Haidich A-B, Karvounis C, Antoniades C, Karamitsos TD. Diagnostic Accuracy of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Acute Myocarditis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 2018, 11(11), 1583-1590.
- Kotanidis CP, Nikolaidou C. Stratifying the risk in chronic coronary syndromes: A ray of hope for ischaemia?. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2022, 29(2), 404-406.
- Kotanidis CP, Antoniades C. Targeting interleukin-1: Implications for long-Term cardiovascular management following radiotherapy. European Heart Journal 2019, 40(30), 2504-2506.
- Oikonomou EK, Desai MY, Marwan M, Kotanidis CP, Antonopoulos AS, Schottlander D, Channon KM, Neubauer S, Achenbach S, Antoniades C. Perivascular Fat Attenuation Index Stratifies Cardiac Risk Associated With High-Risk Plaques in the CRISP-CT Study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2020, 76(6), 755-757.
- Kotanidis CP, Antoniades C. Perivascular fat imaging by computed tomography (CT): a virtual guide. British Journal of Pharmacology 2021, 178(21), 4270-4290.
- Kotanidis CP, Antoniades C. Selfies in cardiovascular medicine: Welcome to a new era of medical diagnostics. European Heart Journal 2020, 41(46), 4412-4414.
- Antoniades C, Kotanidis CP, Berman DS. State-of-the-art review article. Atherosclerosis affecting fat: What can we learn by imaging perivascular adipose tissue?. Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography 2019, 13(5), 288-296.