Hao Yin
Impact of social conformity on acceptance of new technologies.
Email: [email protected]
- School of Engineering
- School of Psychology
Project description
Social conformity has an impact on the formation of consumer preferences. It influences consumers’ acceptance of new technologies. We are studying this impact in general and in particular for fully autonomous vehicles. We will:
- propose a methodology to collect data for new technologies
- construct a model of the impact of social conformity in the choice of automated taxis
We will use this to test the hypothesis that social conformity is significant in determining consumer preferences for and acceptance of new technologies. We will test this hypothesis in general and in particular for automated taxis.
- Yin H, Cherchi E. Conducting Stated Choice Experiments within a Virtual Reality environment: an application to the choice of automated taxi 12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods. In: Travel Survey and Big Data: how to make the best of both worlds 2020. Portugal. (Accepted).
- Travel behaviour
- Discrete choice analysis
- Experimental design
- Data collection (revealed preference and stated preference data, real and virtual experiment)
- Automated vehicles
- BE Highway Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, China (2010-2014)
- MSc Transport and Planning, Cardiff University, UK (2015–2016)
- ME Highway and Railway Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, China (2014-2017)