Harris Tsimenidis is a Professor in Digital Communications. His areas of expertise are wireless and underwater communications, and Internet technologies.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Visiting member of staff at Newcastle University School of Engineering
Previous Positions at Newcastle University
- Head of the Intelligent Sensing and Communications Group (Oct. 2017-Sept. 2022)
- Reader in Digital Communications (Aug. 2017 - Sept. 2022)
- Senior Lecturer in Communications and Signal Processing (Sept. 2007- July. 2017)
- Lecturer in Communications and Signal Processing (Sept. 2002- July. 2007)
- DPD MSc Communications and Signal Processing (Sept. 2003- Aug. 2018)
- Overall MSc Programme Coordinator for all six MSc Programmes in the School of EEE (2010-2013)
- Chair of Board of Studies for postgraduate degrees (2010-2013)
- Research Associate, Underwater Acoustics Research Group, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (1998-2001)
- Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET)
- Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE)