Support our Work with Communities
As a university, we are proud of our strong set of values and this is why we work for the benefit of our communities, at home and on a global scale.
How donations support work with our communities
Helping young people access a university education
Together with our neighbour Northumbria University, we are devoted to creating ambitious new learning opportunities for young people on our doorsteps.
This is why we launched a partnership with the national charity IntoUniversity. This charity aims to unlock success and instil self-belief among those growing up in areas of greatest need. We are now reaching young people from Newcastle’s most deprived localities with a year-round programme of academic support, school holiday programmes, career days and mentoring.
University of Sanctuary
Newcastle University has always aimed to be a place of welcome and safety for all. In 2021 we were awarded University of Sanctuary status. This was due to the support we offer students and academics fleeing violence and persecution.
University of Sanctuary projects
- Sanctuary Scholarships. These enable students living in the UK who are from asylum-seeker and refugee backgrounds to progress to higher education at Newcastle University.
- Partnership with the Council for at Risk Academics (CARA). This provides safe sanctuary and aid for academics whose lives are at immediate risk as a result of global conflict. In response to current conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East and Africa, we have doubled the number of funded sanctuary fellowships available at Newcastle University from 3 to 6.
If you would like to support a Sanctuary Scholarship or any other aspect of our Sanctuary work, please contact Alexa Charlton at [email protected].